  • 學位論文


An Interactive Piano Robot

指導教授 : 王文俊


本論文自行設計硬體機構且利用低成本元件做出一台具有彈琴演奏功能之音樂機器人,並經由使用者與機器人的音樂互動,達到娛樂與音樂之效果。彈琴機器手的手指與手掌機構是利用壓克力板來製作來達到仿人手外觀之效果,由微型伺服機來驅動機器手指上下按壓的動作,橫向位移的動作則是利用具有回授的伺服馬達來帶動線性螺桿來達成精準的定位控制,完成可雙手彈奏之彈琴機器手。 基於讓彈琴機器手更吸引人,且有別於其他音樂機器人,本論文提出一種特別的想法:利用從各大網站下載之樂譜檔 (MIDI檔) 來當作音樂的輸入,並把樂譜檔轉換成機器手能夠讀取的彈奏資訊,即可讓機器手演奏一首歌曲。另外,我們也可使用外接式觸碰螢幕的人機介面,透過人性化的提示功能,教導使用者利用虛擬樂器與機器手共同演奏歌曲,即使沒有音樂基礎的使用者也可以輕鬆愉快地與機器手共奏。


This study tries to design and fabricate a low cost music robot which can play music for entertainment and interaction with human. The robot has two hands where left hand has six fingers and right hand has five fingers and each finger is driven by a servo motor. The mechanism structure of the robotic hand, fingers and palm is manufactured by the materials of acrylic boards. The moving of each robotic hand is implemented by a linear screw which is driven by a servo motor to achieve precise position control. Thus, the robot with two hands can play piano under the proposed control design. This study proposes another special idea to make the music robot more attractive and be different from other music robots. We first download the music files (MIDI files) on the internet to be the music input and then transfer the MIDI file to the data which is recognized by the robot such that the robotic hands can play the music directly. Furthermore, based on designed friendly interface, a set of virtual musical instruments is displayed on the touch panel such that the users can play music on the touch panel to interact with the robotic hands. Therefore, the users who even have no music background can successfully play music with robot easily and happily.


MIDI file interface music robot music interaction


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