  • 學位論文


Pricing Strategy to Market Segmentation based on consumer''s preference

指導教授 : 曾富祥


現在社會上常會看到許多無限制消費次數的服務,例如吃到飽餐廳,行動上網吃到飽或者是某種會員服務的使用次數(例如:健身房)等。在這些服務的使用消費者中,有很多消費者會寧願選擇高價的契約,例如:智慧型手機上網的客戶有大多數都會選擇上網吃到飽(無限使用量),而非那種低價方案(有限使用量),這種現象往往令人感到不解,為什麼消費者會選擇一些看似對他們不利的方案來使用,而並非選擇較低價的方案來使用。   根據文獻所指出,有許多消費者在做選擇時,會把他們心裡的因素也加進考量,因此無法光是依據價格便判斷出此契約是否對他有利,但是在文獻中提到,雖然目前有很多人證明初真的有心理因素會影響消費者所做的決定,但是卻沒有實際的計算出到底此類因素是如何影響消費者的決定,因此本篇文章就根據文獻中所提出之影響消費者決策之因素,提出模型來衡量消費者的決策。   根據此模型,我們可以發現消費者在做決策時,不僅僅只有考慮價格為唯一的因素,會在將內心的因素加入進行考量,倘若供應商能夠即時抓住這些因素,並且把此種因素納入訂價策略的考量,將可從中獲取更大利潤。根據我們所做出的結果可以推論,有更多的心理因素可以加入進行研究。


We can see some unlimited allowance services in our society such as all you can eat restaurant, surfing on internet by smart phone and some limit time service of members (ex: health club). Some of the consumers who use these services would choose the higher price contract rather than the contract which is lower price. For example, the consumer surf on internet by smart phone would choose the contract with unlimited allowance but not the limited allowance. The phenomenon is strange that why consumers choose the contract seems to be disadvantage to them. According to the literature review, consumers make decision by the price and also the other factors in their mind. So we cannot judge that the contract is good or bad for the consumer by price of the contract. However, there are some people prove that there are some minded factors affect the consumer’s decision in the literatures. In fact, there is not any paper to calculate how these factors affect the consumer by volume. In our study, we calculate the utility by these factors which were mentioned in the literatures to measure the consumer’s decision.


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