  • 學位論文


A Study on the Selection of Cassettes for the Automated Material Handling System in a Wafer Fab

指導教授 : 何應欽


近年來半導體產業的蓬勃發展,多數電子器材內部皆已使用積體電路之零件。然而隨著晶圓的發展,尺寸越大,重量也隨著大幅增加,而晶圓製造過程中具有高度迴流之特性,也因此產生大量的搬運需求。若目前僅依靠人力搬運或半自動化物料搬運系統的輔助肯定會影響到晶圓的生產績效,造成低產出率及良率下降,進而削弱晶圓廠商的競爭力。種種原因皆已凸顯自動化物料搬運系統(Automated Material Handling System;AMHS)的必要性。Batarseh et al.(2010)的研究中提到興建一座300mm的晶圓廠約需要2-30億美元,當中AMHS佔了3-5%的總成本,約1.5億美元。因為設備成本高昂,折舊速度快,所以如何提升產能利用率便成了一個重要的課題。但倘若只擁有完整的自動化設備,卻沒有完善的控制機制,便容易造成收穫遠低於投入的失衡現象,因此如何有效的控制自動化物料搬運系統也是一個值得研究的方向。 本研究將在全自動化物料搬運系統下透過Stocker連結系統內各個Bay間(Interbay)及Bay內(Intrabay)。並透過搬運設備OHS(Overhead Shuttle)以車選工件的派車方法(Dispatching rule),進行Stocker內的晶舟盒(Cassette;承載晶圓之器具)載取任務。而本文主要目的在於Stocker內的晶舟盒該如何選擇才能使系統績效有效提高。而吾人將透過模擬軟體Arena 12.0模擬晶圓製造廠的環境,並根據模擬結果分析與評估本研究所提出的晶舟盒選取法則在各種績效指標下的表現。


According to research of Batarseh et al.(2010), they presented that building a 300mm wafer fab needed 3 billions, and automated material handling system(AMHS)occupied a big part of cost. Therefore, for obtaining higher cost–performance of the AMHS system, our motivation of this research is to improve efficiency of AMHS system and make the throughput improvement.  Firstly, with the need and development of Semiconductor Industry, the size and the weight of wafer is larger than before. Wafer has the reentry character of the procedure of manufacture, so it is hard to work with manual handling. Hence, the AMHS is born to slove the material handing problem and plays a vital role in the field of manufacture. Under the environment of AMHS, we use stocker to link interbay with intrabay. Additionally, overhead shuttle(OHS)use dispatching rule to pick up cassettes which are in stockers. The main purpose of this research is to improve efficiency of system and make better measure criterion by choosing an appropriate cassette in stockers. We use simulation software, Arena 12.0 to simulate virtual environment of wafer fab and present our result and analysis in this paper.


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