  • 學位論文


Mobile Payment-mBankPay

指導教授 : 林熙禎


近年隨著智慧型手機及行動網路的使用日漸普及,以及在雲端商業模式題材帶動下,各行各業無不相繼投入發展行動商務,均因考量將商務應用結合智慧型手機特性,可更突破時間及空間的限制,讓資訊傳遞及銷售行為更具即時性。各界均預期在未來幾年中,行動商務相關應用發展之市場規模將可呈現爆發性成長。 而行動商務在無線網路環境下之交易、付款過程,則更具安全性及穩定性等考量上之挑戰,若目前市場的付款機制若不夠完善,則可能成為行動商務發展之重要瓶頸。 但目前各類商務模式中之付款機制,多數採用線上刷卡、網路ATM轉帳、第三方支付等付款方式,其交易資訊在傳遞過程、個資保存或安全設計各環節中,仍存在一定風險,易因資料可能遭外洩或盜用而發生消費爭議,故讓許多謹慎、注重個人資訊安全的消費者,仍對現行線上付款機制心存質疑,或者是因為整體付款操作過程太過麻煩,造成消費者不願意使用,而造成商機流失。 本研究針對目前之主要線上及電子付款方式加以分析討論,並擬提出一種改良付款模式:mBankPay,由最值得消費者信賴的銀行為金流服務提供者,主動結合各類商務模式,讓消費者於虛擬消費通路交易進行付款時,配合使用智慧型手機連結網路進行付款,交易過程中可不需提供任何個人金融資訊,有效保護消費者個資安全,且可集中管理消費各類帳務繳款資訊於銀行所提供行動銀行程式,以達到兼具安全及便利之主要考量,改善行動商務發展中,備受重視以及法規要求日趨嚴謹的個資安全議題。


行動商務 行動付款


The usage of smartphone, mobile networks and cloud service are growing popular in recent years. All industries are focus on the development of mobile commerce and expect it will show explosive growth in the following years. As we know, mobile commerce is under the wireless network environment. Therefore, a safety and stability mobile payment mechanism will play an important role in this field. Otherwise, it could be the primary bottleneck of mobile commerce. Nowadays, people are used to pay their bills via credit card, web ATM or third-party payment in virtual channel. Somehow, the personal data is still at the risk of stealing and the whole procedure is inconveniently through those payments. Therefore, people who concerned about information security or convenience are unwilling to use those payments. This study focuses on the application of electronic payment and mobile payment. Discussing the development trend of mobile commerce, we proposed an improved mobile payment, named: “mBankPay”. It will be a new mobile banking service provided by the banks that people can trust. Moreover, it will solve the safety and convenient issue in the payment of mobile commerce.


mBankPay Mobile Payment Mobile-commerce


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(Accessed 2008/02/27, available at

