  • 學位論文


Investigation of Mobile Learning and Collaborative Learning: A Cognitive Style Perspective

指導教授 : 陳攸華


近年來,行動載具被廣泛地用來支援學生學習的應用。另一方面,學習方式也開始從個人學習轉移到合作學習的學習情境。為此,將行動載具結合應用在合作學習情境中,是目前的趨勢之一。換句話說,行動合作學習是一種盛行的學習情境。然而,學生們擁有各自不同的特質,尤其是「認知風格」,其在學生的學習方面,扮演舉足輕重的角色。因此,本研究之目標乃係從認知風格的角度,來檢驗學生對於行動學習和合作學習會產生何種不同的反應。為了達到這個研究目標,會進行兩個實證研究,來探討認知風格會如何影響學生對於行動學習(實驗一)和合作學習(實驗二)的學習行為、學習成效與學習觀感。 實驗一的研究結果顯示出,在使用桌上型電腦的學習情境中,需要提供Serialist學習者一些額外的輔助。另一方面,從實驗二的研究結果則指出,相較於同質性組別,異質性組別會使用較有效率的學習行為、表現出較佳的學習成效,以及呈現較正面的學習觀感。除此之外,學生的學習成效不僅與他們的學習行為相關,也與他們的學習觀感有關聯。根據這些研究結果,將提出兩個圖形化模型。這些圖形化模型可用來支援學生、指導者、研究學者和教材設計者,來促使行動合作學習的發展。


In recent years, mobile devices are widely applied to support student learning. On the other hand, student learning is also being shifted from individual learning to collaborative learning. To this end, integrating mobile devices into collaborative learning is a current trend. In other words, mobile collaborative learning is a popular educational setting. However, students have various characteristics, among which cognitive styles play an important role in student learning. Therefore, the research presented in this dissertation aims to examine students’ different reactions to mobile learning and collaborative learning from a cognitive style perspective. To reach this aim, two empirical studies are conducted to investigate how cognitive styles affect students’ learning behavior, performance and perception to mobile learning (Study 1) and collaborative learning (Study 2). The results from Study 1 suggest that there is a need to provide Serialists with additional help when their learning took place in a desktop computer scenario. On the other hand, the findings from Study 2 demonstrate that the heterogeneous groups used more effective learning behavior, demonstrated better learning performance and showed more positive reactions to the collaborative learning than the homogeneous groups. Furthermore, the students’ learning performance is not only related to their behavior, but also is associated with their perceptions. Based on the results of each study, two frameworks are produced. These frameworks can be applied to support students, designers, researchers and instructors to promote mobile collaborative learning.


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