  • 學位論文


Confinement and aspiration in the poems of female poets in Song Dynasty

指導教授 : 王次澄 呂文翠


本論文凡七章,除首章緒論及末章結論外,分別從五個不同角度探討「宋代女性詩歌中的禁錮與追尋」,分別是:學術思想、社會制度、兵燹戰禍、情感際遇、活動空間。各章先概述創作外緣背景,繼之探討不同角度下產生的禁錮心理,最後申論由禁錮而觸發的追尋嚮往。   第壹章為緒論。說明研究動機與目的,擬定論文方向。進行文獻回顧與探討,參酌前人研究成果之缺失以資借鏡。建立研究方法、研究範圍及論文架構,作為後續論述之綱要。針對論題中「女性詩歌」、「禁錮」、「追尋」等關鍵詞,給予清楚明確的界義。最後論述女詩人內在的創作動機與因素。   第貳章探討學術思想下的禁錮與追尋。前言析論兩宋理學家強調修身立德的學術環境,影響女子的才德培育、家學教育和貞節觀念。第一節闡明受理學薰染的生活環境對女詩人形成禁錮,在思想上產生重德輕才、相夫教子、恪守名節的道德制約。第二節從理學與禮教的逐漸深化流布,標舉女詩人所追尋的人格典範。   第參章探討社會制度下的禁錮與追尋。前言闡述宋代法律、家庭、習俗、職業等社會制度的影響,造成男尊女卑的兩性位階。第一節析論禁錮於不平等的身分階級中,姬妾、奴婢、娼妓等女詩人群體的詩歌創作。第二節追溯女詩人作品中嘗試擺脫階級,追尋自主尊嚴的軌跡。   第肆章探討兵燹戰禍下的禁錮與追尋。前言簡析北宋傾覆、宋室南遷及南宋滅亡,致使許多宮廷及民間婦女成為強寇俘虜。第一節針對詩歌中內容情懷的不同,將女詩人對國破家亡的慨嘆,區分為亡國之悲憤、思鄉之哀淒兩大方向。第二節首先以政治詩為主,邊塞詩為輔,說明女詩人的政治理念。再以詠史詩為例,闡述女詩人的歷史觀點。最後以社會詩為例,探討女詩人的仁愛胸襟。   第伍章探討情感際遇下的禁錮與追尋。第一節側重女詩人以情愛為創作主題的詩歌,包含相思悅慕、離愁閨怨、寄贈悼亡等內容,歸納出三種不同層面的坎坷際遇。第二節藉由女詩人的創作主題,歸納出兩種不同方式的情愛追尋。其一為寄人述情,其二為借景達情。   第陸章探討活動空間下的禁錮與追尋。第一節將女詩人受侷限的活動場域,概分為宮廷御苑和宦門園林,分析詩人情懷和特色。第二節由清淨涅槃、訪仙求道、隱逸林泉三個主題,窺見女詩人內心所追尋的人生境界。   第柒章為結論。總說女詩人在上述學術思想、社會制度、兵燹戰禍、情感際遇、活動空間等種種有形無形的禁錮下,身心承受著形式迥異、程度不等的悲苦,從而牽引女詩人創作的動機,激發其追尋更高遠、更深刻、更開闊的生命境界。


宋代 女詩人 女性詩歌 禁錮 追尋


This thesis discussed the confinement and aspiration in the poems of female poets of Song Dynasty from five different angles: philosophy and culture, social system, wars, love affairs, and living space. From the perspective of philosophy and culture, the neo-Confucianists of the Northern and Southern Song emphasize morality and ethical standards, which influence women''s ethical education, home education and the notion of chastity. The popularity of neo-Confucianism and the etiquette of the society help develop the standards of moral integrity that female poets pursuit. From the angle of social system, Song Dynasty is a patriarchal society. Its law, family values, custom and all walks of life result in the gender bias. The poetry of female poets from different social class was analyzed and poets'' aspiration to free themselves from social class and to search for their self-integrity was further probed. From the aspect of wars, the impact of which to female poets is sketched in full. The poets’ viewpoints to the politics, history, and the life of common people are revealed through the emotional description to the fall of a nation and the nostalgia in the poetry. As to love affairs, the female poets’ poems with love and affection subjects are analyzed. Those poems contain many different kinds of experiences, expectations, and ways of expressions. As to living space, the female poets’ livelihood in Song dynasty is analyzed to know the characteristics of their life and what they aspire to. Though the discussion above we have a clear understanding about the various life confinements the female poets face to, and realize the connotation in their poetry, the creation motivation, and their aspiration for life.


Song Dynasty female poet female poetry confinement aspiration


