  • 學位論文


Applying Embedded GRAFCET Virtual Machine System for Robot Development

指導教授 : 陳慶瀚


在傳統的嵌入式系統開發流程中,從開發、驗證甚至佈署,容錯性均不高。只要一個環節出錯,後續的更新代價相當昂貴,通常都必須透過USB、JTAG等實體線材重新進行程式碼燒錄,耗費許多時間與人力成本。 本論文利用GRAFCET虛擬機器的特性,用此作為嵌入式軟體架構來設計機器人系統開發平台。並將其實作於ARM Coretex-M4為核心的智慧型IO控制器SIOC上。同時搭配開發Android行動裝置平台上的圖形化GRAFCET編輯程式以產生GPP。以這兩種搭配成為一個具有快速開發、驗證以及主、被動更新能力的機器人開發平台。並且透過實驗驗證,這種開發方式可以突破傳統的嵌入式系統開發思維,使得雲端也可能成為嵌入式系統程式來源的一部分。


GRAFCET 虛擬機器 機器人


It is strict in developing embedded system using ordinary ways. From developing, verifying to deploying, a potential problem could cause a hung problem later. If there are serious bugs in deployed embedded systems, many tools such as USB, JTAG or other fixture, human resources and time are required for flashing the corrected firmware into the embedded system to fix bugs. This paper applying the schema of embedded GRAFCET virtual machine as embedded robot development platform. We implement the embedded part of this platform on an ARM Coretex-M3 based intelligent I/O controller called SIOC. An GUI based application for Android mobile device platform was also implemented as the development part of this platform. A developer can easily use this platform as a rapid development platform for developing robot applications. Through the experiments we also notice this development platform is a much more powerful than ordinary embedded development platforms. Integrating the cloud resources as part of embedded system is possible by using our development platform.


Robot GRAFCET Virtual machine


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