  • 學位論文

華文禁令解除後印華文學的發展 — 以印華作協為例

The Development of Indonesian-Chinese Literature After The Termination of Chinese Ban

指導教授 : 李瑞騰


1966年至1998年是印尼華人黑暗的時間,由於印尼新秩序政府的規則,華人不能表示他們的傳統風俗習慣。華人不能慶祝過年、用中文名字、學華語、等等的事情,而且政府也關閉所有華文學校與華文報社。政府認爲有這樣的辦法華人能順利地跟印尼本地人同化。不過,這件事也使華人的華文能力越來越減少,後來年輕人不會懂華文。1999年起,政府的新規定許可華人再使用華文與做傳統文化的活動。因此,華人能介紹他們的傳統文化,另外有許多華人與本地人開始學華文。華人作家認爲這個情況也是一個好的機會為介紹印華文學,因此他們成立一個華人作家的組織。 印華寫作者協會(簡稱印華作協)是一個印尼華人作家的組織。介紹印尼華文文學是這個組織的重點。有印華作協的成立能協助華人保持他們祖先的傳統遺產,特別是在華文文學方面。華人作家寫作文學作品為表達他們對印尼情況的感覺,特別是關於華人面對歧視問題的事情。其實,除了以華文以外,印華作協作家也以印尼文寫文學作品。這個辦法的目標是爲了引起不懂華語印尼人的興趣。


The years of 1966 – 1998 are the dark era for Chinese-Indonesian society. The government regulations of Orde Baru regime made the societies could not doing activities related to their culture. The Chinese-Indonesian people could not celebrating Chinese New Year, using Chinese names, studying Chinese and many things. The government also had banned Chinese Schools and Chinese newspaper all over Indonesia. The regulations were made in order to make the Chinese-Indonesian community can be easily assimilate with the native. But, in turn, their Chinese language skills are getting a weak; even the young generations cannot understand Chinese anymore. Since 1999, the new regulations have been made to afford an opportunity for Chinese-Indonesian community using their language and doing activities related to their culture. Hence, Chinese-Indonesian community can re-introduce their Chinese culture again. Moreover, lots of native starts to study Chinese language. The Chinese-Indonesian writers took this opportunity to introduce Chinese-Indonesia literature and established an association for Chinese-Indonesia writers. Yinhua Zioxie is a Chinese-Indonesian writer’s association. The main focus of the organization is introducing the Chinese-Indonesia literature. Yinhua Zuoxie helps the Chinese-Indonesian community to preserve their heritage, focusing on Chinese literature. They dedicates their literature to represent their feelings about Indonesia, concerning on the issue of discrimination faced by Chinese-Indonesian community. They also are using Indonesian in their literature in order to attract the interest of Indonesian people who don’t understand Chinese.


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