  • 學位論文


Female’s sexual initiation of males’ imagination─take Ming and Qing pornographic text as the example

指導教授 : 康來新


「性」是古今中外之文化皆不可或缺的一個環節,性啟蒙也是成長過程中必經的階段,尤其是在性愛風氣盛行、商品化社會的明清,禁欲與縱欲的並行,使得此一時期的性愛觀呈現極其複雜的狀態。相較於男性,女性的性愛活動顯得依附於男性之下,不僅隱蔽於當時的性愛風氣之中,在女性的成長過程裡也顯得諱莫如深,而使得女性在從青春期到婚後性行為這段過程的轉換顯得異常突兀。因此如何藉由呈現性愛文化的豔情文本,以拼湊出女性生命中失落的性教育環節便非常重要。是故本文試圖從閨閣女性之生命歷程出發,探討女性如何透過身邊的性啟蒙師,以及豔情文本以獲得性啟蒙的可能。   本文論文主要內容分為三部分:第一部分以女性所處之「閨閣」為主軸,觀察女性在「閨閣」之中「髫齡」與「加笄」兩階段對成長過程中的意義,以及突出「性教育」在銜接兩階段中的重要性。接著著眼於明清之閨閣女性與其他時代之閨閣女性的不同之處,以及如何藉由讀物獲得「情」的啟蒙。第二部分從「閨閣」延伸至「環繞閨閣內外的女性」,探討這些女性如何可能為閨閣女性帶來性啟蒙。第三部分則以明清特有的「色情出版物」為主軸,探討豔情文本中的女性如何閱讀、接受這些「男寫女」的作品,以及她們是否真能從中獲得啟發。


Sex is one of important elements in human civilization development. Meanwhile, sexual initiation is one of indispensable stages for life progress. In a period that sexual activities prevailed, such as Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty, which both were highly commercialized societies in Chinese history, the sexual philosophy became complicated due to abstinence and indulgence on sex. Compared to male’s sexual activities, female’s sexual activities appear not only to be attached to males, concealed from the sexual fashion at that time, but also obscure in the growth of females. This makes that puberty switches suddenly to the sexual behavior after marriage in females’ life. For this reason, it is crucial to recollect the lost sex education linkage in females’ life via the pornographic publications which reveal the sexual culture. Thereby, I attempt to recognize how boudoir (閨閣) females could receive the sexual initiation through the females, who master sex, and the pornographic publications in life progress.  This thesis includes three parts: at first, I emphasize on the boudoir females, and discuss about the meaning of two stages, that is, 髫齡and加笄, in the growth of females. Also, the significance of sexual education between the stages is highlighted. The second part extends the topic of previous part, focusing on how the females who have left the boudoir may bring influences on the ones in the boudoir. In the final, considering the pornographic publications in Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty, I study on how the boudoir females read, accept the way that males describe females, and realized whether or not the females can be initiated in their lives.


