  • 學位論文


Comparison between VR and AR:Application of virtual elevator in claustrophobia

指導教授 : 葉士青


近年來虛擬實境在復健醫療上的應用正快速發展中,它是復健治療的一個重要輔助工具,不僅可以用來評估病患的功能及進展,也可以提供病患充分練習的機會,更能給予病患良好的回饋及成就感。在物理復健方面,結合虛擬實境電腦軟體技術並搭配適當的輔助器材,患者可藉由操作遊戲,重新訓練自己的多項身體功能,諸如手部抓取放鬆動作、心肺功能復健訓練、肢體認知協調性等等。使用虛擬實境,比起傳統復健方式,更有著減少實務訓練時間、訓練品質固定、增加安全性、降低成本等優點,且能增加病人復健的方便性與舒適性,從而增加學習動機與機會。   除了物理治療外,虛擬實境技術亦可應用在精神治療上。在1995年發現虛擬實境能引發懼高症患者的恐慌及焦慮心理後,經過反覆的實驗及許多學者更深入的研究,醫療界現已承認虛擬實境在懼高症上的治療效果。但在其他精神疾病的領域上,虛擬實境的效果仍有待驗證。本研究針對幽閉恐懼症的患者,創建了一封閉式的虛擬電梯環境,加入各種可能遭遇到之危險情境,並利用頭盔顯示器,製造沉浸式的環場效果,以測試能否引發受測者恐慌之心理,達到觸發焦慮的目的。除了虛擬實境,本實驗為求受測者沒入虛擬環境時能感覺更加真實,特別加入一組實驗組,採用擴增實境技術,比較兩者之間的不同。且,本實驗為求精確,除設計三套問卷(焦慮評估、臨場感與知悉性、科技接受度)知悉受測者反應外,更測量HRV心跳變異率之生理資料,分析受測者在實驗過程中之生理反應,檢測其緊張程度。   實驗結果顯示,在虛擬實境與擴增實境的實驗中,均能引發受測者焦慮之心理(根據問卷評估)。而兩者間,擴增實境之結果更為顯著。在臨場感與知悉性的問卷中,擴增實境的實驗過程因身處於真實世界之電梯中,故臨場感更為顯著;在科技接受度方面,受試者雖然未對本實驗所設計的遊戲場景感到太多娛樂性,但本實驗所使用之技術與設備能激起受測者之好奇心與想像力,進而完成實驗目標。


Recently,the application of Virtual Reality Environment Therapy (VRET) in Rehabilitation Medicine has been quickly developed. It is an important assistance tool for Rehabilitation Medicine, for it can be used not only to estimate the ability and progress of the patient, but also to provide the patient the possibility of adequate practice. In addition, it can even bring positive feedbacks and a sense of satisfaction to the patient. In the field of physical rehabilitation, with the help of the software for Virtual Reality Environment and proper assistance tools, the patient is able to retrain many aspects of his physical functions through playing games. For example, pinch, rehabilitation of cardiopulmonary function, physical coordination and so on. VRET reduces the cost and time for training, and it is more stable and safer than traditional rehabilitation, in order to inspire the patient to rehabilitate by himself.   Besides physical rehabilitation, VRET can also be applied in psychotherapy. In 1995, it was found that VRET is able to trigger off anxiety reaction of acrophobics, and now the therapeutic efficacy of VRET for acrophobia has been proved. Nevertheless, in other fields of psychotherapy, it still needs more researches to prove the therapeutic efficacy of VRET. This research is aimed at claustrophobe, and with the use of head mount display, the subject is placed in an environment of virtual elevator. After testing all kinds of possible dangerous situations, which might occur in real life, the result will show that if those situations panicked the subject. Furthermore, skills of augmented reality (AR) are also applied in this research, in order to contrast with the result of VRET. The subject is required to fulfill three questionnaires (anxiety evaluation, presence and awareness, and technology acceptance) and measure the Heart Rate Variability, so that the physiological reactions of the subject can be completely recorded and be applied in the analysis afterward.   Results of the experiments indicate that both VRET and AR can trigger the subjects’ anxiety, and the efficacy of AR is far more obvious than VRET. In the aspect of presence and awareness, the subjects perceived stronger sense of presence when they were undergoing the AR experiment, because they were actually standing in a real elevator. In the aspect of technology acceptance however, the efficacy of entertainment is not considered to be apparent, but the skills and equipment applied in this experiment are still able to encourage the curiosity and imagination of the subjects, and thus help to accomplish the purposes of this research.


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