  • 學位論文


A Study of Influencing Factors in Sexual Orientation Employment Discriminatory Perception and Coping Strategies─Focus on the Effect of Same-sex Marriage Legalization in Taiwan

指導教授 : 藍科正


本文以質性研究方法,在同性婚姻合法化後的兩年間對11位同志族群受僱者進行先、後兩次的深入訪談,試圖發掘他們的就業歧視感受、因應策略,及這兩者的影響因素。主要結論為:公教部門同志員工的就業歧視感受最深、私部門同志員工的就業歧視感受較不明顯、非營利部門各個職場同志員工的就業歧視感受差異性相當大。無論是何種職場,同性婚姻合法化的里程碑,對大部分同志族群而言,在就業歧視感受上都有正面的影響,且他們認為即使現實面不會立刻出現突破性的進展,但這個法律變革會逐漸地帶來整體社會價值觀的轉變。同性婚姻合法化的結果也使同志族群在因應策略的選擇上更願意以較開放的態度,採取更多種因應策略來面對就業歧視感受。 就業歧視感受之影響因素,以社會層面、個人特質的影響較大,家庭層面的影響較小。在社會層面主要的影響因素為社會觀感、法律與政策及職場特性,而職場特性是社會層面中對就業歧視感受影響力最大的因素;在個人特質方面,主要的影響因素有個性、性傾向、自我認同、人際網絡;其他影響因素包含意識型態與同志議題的討論熱度。就業歧視感受之因應策略包含逆來順受、反擊、辭職及其他(選擇性出櫃、潛移默化等),且通常不會只採取一種策略。因應策略之影響因素,以結構層面和個人層面的影響程度較大,人際層面的影響較小。結構層面主要有同性婚姻合法化的進展、職場文化、社會民情,個人層面主要為個性、自我認同與個人期許,而人際層面中家人的影響因素相對較明顯。


This research used qualitative research methods by depth interviewing 11 LGBT employees twice in the past two years. Since same-sex marriage has enforced for about two years in Taiwan, in continuation of previous research, this article were trying to find out LGBT people’s perception of employment discrimination, coping strategies and the influencing factors of these two. The main conclusions are: their feelings of employment discrimination in the first sector is the worst, and the perception in the second sector is less obvious. In the non-profit sector, situations are quite different between each workplace. As for the influencing factors of the perception of employment discrimination, the social dimension and personal characteristics have greater influence on it, while the family dimension is relatively less. This research generalize four main strategies for coping with perception of discrimination: acceptance, counters, resignation, and others. Under normal circumstances, not only one strategy will be adopted. As for the influencing factors of the strategy choosing, the structural and individual dimension have greater influences than the interpersonal dimension. This research presents the progress of the legalization of same-sex marriage is the influencing factors both on the perception of employment discrimination and the coping strategies.


LGBT workplace discrimination perception feeling influencing factor


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