  • 學位論文


The Study on the Practice of the Fraud Court and Legalization of Forensic Accounting

指導教授 : 陳雪如


摘要 商業舞弊案件的發生,無疑是一項違法犯罪行為,透過不法的手段,以達到舞弊不法的目的,為保障投資大眾的財產與權益,遏止不法商業舞弊的發生,如何透過司法的功能,打擊不法,保障合法,消弭商業舞弊於無形,應是多數人的期待。然而商業舞弊手法的不斷翻新,集團化、國際化、專業化,每每造成檢警調機關及法院在面對商業舞弊案件時,為找出事實的真相,承受鉅大且不易克服的挑戰。 本文從鑑識會計的發展,探討鑑識會計的相關文獻,再比較各國鑑識會計的發展現況,與我國目前司法機關面對商業舞弊案件,運用鑑定人的現況,作為研擬建立我國鑑識會計法定機構與法制的理論與實務基礎,期使將來司法機關在運用鑑識會計時,有一套既定的標準程序,可以非常迅速有效率的協助司法機關,研判舞弊的真象,作為在司法上的重要證據,迅速打擊不法,保障投資人的利益。 依經濟部組織法第1條:「經濟部主管全國經濟行政及經濟建設事務。」,對於影響國內經濟的商業舞弊案件,自負有協助司法機關的義務,依同法第30條:「經濟部因業務需要,得報請行政院核准,另設各種委員會;所需工作人員,應就本法所定員額內調用之。」,故本文認為,經濟部自可比照行政院公共工程委員會下設「工程技術鑑定委員會」之行政先例,於經濟部下設「商業舞弊鑑定委員會」,以行協助司法機關就辦理商業舞弊案件,就相關舞弊事實提供鑑定及諮詢,並擬定「經濟部商業舞弊鑑定委員會設置要點」、「經濟部商業舞弊鑑定委員會鑑定作業要點」。 經濟部轄下成立經濟部商業舞弊鑑定委員會(下稱商鑑會)有其以下的優點: 一、商鑑會是一個常態性的組織;二、商鑑會組織構成人員具有鑑定專業的優勢; 三、商鑑會運作具有充足的所需經費;四、商鑑會所做的鑑定具有高度的公正性; 五、商鑑會的成立具有帶領國內鑑識會計發展的契機。商鑑會未來定可在保障投 資大眾財產與權益,遏止不法商業舞弊發生,扮演不可或缺的角色。 關鍵字:舞弊、鑑識會計、鑑定委員會、法制化


Abstract Fraud is a commercial crime. The government should crack down on fraud via judiciary to protect stakeholders’ property and equity. However, fraud model unceasingly renews. Business group, internationalizing and professionalize raise the complexity of fraud case. The offices of prosecution and police and the ministry of justice investigation have a lot of difficulties in fraud investigation and interrogation that have to be overcome. This paper reviews the prior literature and compares various countries’ current development of the forensic accounting. Further, based on Taiwan’s fraud case and forensic human resource, this paper provides integrated suggestion to assist judiciary to build forensic accounting criterion in the future. The study contributes to strengthen theoretical basis of forensic accounting regulation and develop best practice. The sophisticated forensic accounting against commercial crime could provide import evidences and protect investors efficiently. Law of Organization of Ministry of Economic Affairs article 1 states “Ministry of Economic Affairs superintends country-wide economic administration and development affairs.” Ministry of Economic Affairs is responsible of assisting judiciary for Fraud. According to Law of Organization of Ministry of Economic Affairs article 30 “Based on demand of affairs, Ministry of Economic Affairs could request Executive Yuan to establish various committees”, this paper suggests Ministry of Economic Affairs should follow the precedent of “Committee of Engineering and Technology Authentication” to establish “Committee of Fraud Authentication”. Committee of Fraud Authentication could assist judiciary to judge fraud case and provide authentication and consultation. And, Ministry of Economic Affairs should draw up “The building points for Committee of Fraud Authentication of Ministry of Economic Affairs” and “The operating points for Committee of Fraud Authentication of Ministry of Economic Affairs”. Committee of Fraud Authentication of Ministry of Economic Affairs (CFA) established by the jurisdiction of Ministry of Economic Affairs has five advantages. First, CFA is a normal organization. Secondly, CFA members have forensic professional. Third, CFA has sufficient funds. Fourth, CFA has a high degree of justice. Fifth, CFA contributes to the development of forensic accounting. Establishing CFA is indispensably required for cracking down on fraud and protecting stakeholders’ property and equity. Key Words: Fraud, Forensic Accounting, Committee of Fraud Authentication, Legalization


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