  • 學位論文


Discussion on Examination System of Criminal Evidence -With respect to judgements

指導教授 : 柯耀程


中文論文摘要 論刑事證據之鑑定制度-以裁判為中心 依證據裁判原則的思維,認定犯罪事實應依證據,無證據不得認定犯罪事實。同時,認定犯罪事實所用的證據,必須與待證事實具有關聯性,方具有證據資格。因此,法院在認定犯罪事實之前的主要工作,即在於如何確認追訴者所提出證據,具有證據關聯性。但審判者有時無法依憑感官認知,來判斷證據關聯性,而須仰賴專業知識的輔助,以認知證據關聯性,此為鑑定制度的由來。然據以判斷證據關聯性的鑑定方法,是否正確可信,又係證據關聯性判斷的前提。因此,法院確認專業知識者所使用鑑定方法是正確可信,即成為刑事鑑定制度的核心內涵。 本文以為,專業知識者據以判斷證據關聯性的鑑定方法,具備正確可信性,係確保證據關聯性判斷正確的不二法門。是以,如何確保鑑定人所使用的鑑定方法是正確可信,乃本文論述的主要核心。因此,本文提出鑑定方法的三大指導原則:普遍接受原則(general acceptance)、科學有效性原則(scientific validity)、可驗證的絕對性原則(absolute falsifiability),作為本文證據鑑定的理論基礎。惟科學知識的探索是無窮無盡的,當專業知識者以當前科技專業合理可期的方法,仍無法窮盡證據關聯性的調查時,即須承認人類的有限制,而應依「罪疑原則」(in dubio pro reo)認為證據不具關聯性。是以,鑑定人所提出鑑定報告,倘已依當前科技專業合理可期方法窮盡其調查,即應尊重是項鑑定結論。職是,本文以為,鑑定報告所為證據關聯性的判斷,法院審查基準有三:證據關聯性終局確認無疑,法院應予接受;證據關聯性確認仍屬有疑,法院應再鑑定;證據關聯性無法窮盡可能,法院應予排除。 正義來自科學(Justice Through Science),但如何確保正義實現所憑借的科學確為科學。本文以為:加強犯罪實驗室的認證制度,以確保追訴者提出的證據具有證據關聯性;建立獨立的國家鑑定機構,以供法院確認鑑定方法是具正確可信性;強化被告對於鑑定報告的抗辯能力,並以公費提供弱勢被告技術顧問,俾被告咨詢鑑定方法是否正確可信。如此方能確保正義係正確的實現。 關鍵詞:證據關聯性、罪疑原則、普遍接受原則、科學有效性原則、可驗證的絕對性原則、鑑定方法。


Abstract Discussion on Examination System of Criminal Evidence -With respect to judgements According to the principle of judgements basing on evidence, evidence is used to prove facts of crimes. If there is no evidence, no facts of a crime can be proved. Moreover, the evidence used to prove the facts of a crime must be relevant to the facts which are to be proved in order to be admissible evidence. Thus, the main work of a court before proving the facts of a crime is on how to make certain that the evidence produced by a prosecutor has such evidential relevancy. Sometimes judges are unable to use their own senses to judge the relevance of evidence. They have to be assisted by professional knowledge in order to decide the relevance of evidence. This is the origin of the system of examination of evidence. However, is the examination method to be used to decide the relevance of evidence correct and trustworthy? This is the premise to decide the relevance of evidence. Thus, the courts to make sure that those professional people are applying correct and trustworthy examination methods has become the connotative core of the criminal examination system. This thesis believes that the examination methods being applied by the professional people to decide the relevance of evidence must be correct and trustworthy. This is the only way to make sure the relevance of evidence will be decided correctly. Thus, how to make sure the method applied by the tester is correct and trustworthy is the most important issue to be discussed in this thesis. Three general principles in examination methods are applied in this thesis: the principle of general acceptance, the principle of scientific validity and the principle of absolute falsifiability. They are the fundamental theory of the examination of evidence in this thesis. The searching of the knowledge in science has no ending. When the professional people have applied the professionally reasonable method by using the current technology and are unable to exhaust the investigation on the relevance of evidence, the limitation of human beings has to be admitted and the evidence should be treated as not relevant in accordance with the principle of in dubio pro reo. On the other hand, when the tester has produced an examination report which has exhausted the investigation in basing the professionally reasonable method by using the current technology, the conclusion of such examination should be respected. This thesis believes that the courts should have three basic investigations in order to decide the relevance of evidence in an examination report: when the confirmation of the relevance of evidence is without any doubt, the court should accept it; when the relevance of evidence is still in doubt, the court should examine it further; when the probability of the relevance of evidence have not been reached, the court should not admit it. “Justice through science” How is it to make sure that the science which is based on to make justice is really scientific. This thesis believes that to strengthen the accreditation system of the crime laboratories in order to make sure the prosecutors will produce relevant evidence; to establish independent national forensic examination authority in order to help the courts to decide the correctness and trustworthiness of the examination methods; to strengthen the ability to defense against examination reports and provide public funding in obtaining technical consultancy by the weak defendants for them to question whether the examination method is correct and trustworthy. This is to ensure that the justice has been correctly enforced. Keywords:Relevance of Evidence, in dubio pro reo, Principle of General Acceptance, Principle of Scientific Validity, Principle of Absolute Falsifiability, Examination Methods.




