  • 學位論文


Mobile multi-agent systems in health education on the application of preventive medicine

指導教授 : 黃維民


依據衛生統計資料顯示,截至2010年底,65歲以上老年人口已占全國總人口比例10.74%,其中至少罹患一項以上之慢性病者高達88.7%,這是台灣由老年化社會進入老年社會的嚴重警訊,加上都市化群聚導致生活、飲食形態改變,罹患慢性病的人口逐年增加且年齡層降低。慢性疾病之發生,通常與個人生活方式有關,例如吸菸、肥胖、飲食不當,缺乏運動習慣等。國家衛生單位與醫療院所一般會提供衛教宣導,但礙於人力與資源的不足,相關自動化衛教機制內容過於制式化,民眾的接受度亦不高,成效略顯不彰。 本研究為建構一移動式多代理人衛教系統,並針對糖尿病的偵測與預防來實做相關範例,所規劃之系統可下載安裝於IPHONE智慧型手機上。藉由多代理人的機制,可進行自我疾病風險檢測,提供衛教,監測病況並輔助用藥治療,以及訂定個人飲食、運動健康管理計畫等功能,透由與衛教資訊站的資源代理人互動,建立一個完善的衛教資訊網來交換資訊與共享資源。 系統三項特色: 1.前期病況或高危險群的偵別與篩檢提供監督的執行與狀況的追蹤。 2.個人化健康強化,因應個人情況提供即時、正確的衛教。 3.多代理人架構擴充彈性,能高度整合與靈活運用衛教資源。


According to the Health Statistics, in the end of 2010, the elderly of age 65 is more than 10.74% of all population in Taiwan. Moreover, the percentage of suffering from more than one chronic disease is up to 88.7%. It seems to be a serious warning from aging society into old-age society in Taiwan. Therefore, the life style changes including oversized urbanization and unhealthy eating patterns might result in the dramatically increasing percentage of chronic illness population gradually, even for the younger population. The prevalence of chronic diseases which were closed related with individual lifestyle including smoking, obesity, improper diet, lack of exercise.Although health administration and certain health care organizations provide several health education programs, probably by the lack of manpower and other resources, the general outcome were not cost-effective. This empirical study was aimed at constructing a mobile multi-agent health education system for Diabetes Mellitus patient in detection and prevention functions. The designed system could easily download and install on so-called individual ” Smart cellular phone”, with which multi-agent mechanism, it can be executed self detection of risk factors as well as provided health education programs including assisting medication, setting diet, exercise or health , especially in monitoring the in-time condition. Then the system might be connected other local health information work stations to establish a comprehensive health education platform or network in sharing health information. The implemented system featured with three significant characteristics as following: 1. To detect and monitor at earlier stage of the urgent condition in time and to provide medical assistance for high risk or potential groups if necessary. 2. To empower personal health status in response to environmental changes and to enhance the abilities in health education programs. 3. To be easily integrated with other health education resources by the designed multi-agent and flexible expansion functions.


