  • 學位論文


Examining Critical Factors Influencing Organizational Adoption of the Cloud Computing Services

指導教授 : 洪新原


近年來,資通訊科技業者爭先搶攻雲端運算商機,並視雲端運算為資通訊產業未來10年的發展趨勢,進而持續推出相關的創新應用,已經採用或評估引進此一新興概念的政府機關和企業也越來越多。然而,雲端運算服務看似發展潛力無窮,但相較於市場供應端的積極態度,需求端明顯冷淡許多。過去許多關於雲端運算的文獻,大多著重在雲端運算的概念、技術運用、及安全風險等研究,鲜少有探討組織採行雲端運算服務這方面的研究。因此,本研究採用量化研究方法來找出組織採用雲端運算服務之影響因素,以供國內企業在導入前可以參考,以判斷導入時特別需要考量的部分,這對提升企業評估雲端運算服務採用,可以有所助益。 本研究參考科技-組織-環境架構(Technological-Organizational-Environmental,TOE),並彙整過去相關的研究文獻後,建構出影響國內組織採用雲端運算服務的研究模式。此模式使用「科技構面」、「組織構面」、和「環境構面」等三個部份來探討影響組織採用雲端運算之關鍵因素。本研究共發出500份問卷,有效回收為100份(回收率為20%)。研究結果顯示,知覺風險、公司規模、高階主管支持、資訊部門能力、組織創新文化、競爭壓力和法規支持等是影響採用雲端運算服務與否之關鍵因素。


It is believed that the cloud computing will be the current trend for the information and communication industry in the next decade. More and more government agencies and businesses have already adopted or are preparing to adopt the cloud computing services. However, many businesses hesitate to adopt the cloud computing services due to some reasons. To eliminate the gap, this study examines the critical factors of organizational adoption of the cloud computing services. This study developed a research model based upon Technological-Organizational-Environmental framework (TOE). Three dimensions including technological dimension, organizational dimension, and environmental dimension were discussed to identify the critical factors. A survey on Taiwanese business was conducted. Five hundred questionnaires were distributed and 100 effective responses were collected (response rate: 20%). The analytical results indicated that perceived risk, firm size, top management support, information technology capability, innovative culture, competitive pressure, and support from laws and regulations are the critical factors influencing organizational adoption of the cloud computing services. Implications for academics and practitioners are also provided.


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