  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 張怡秋


近年來「資訊科技」導入各產業的應用樽節許多時間與人力成本,醫療界將節省的寶貴人力運用於更多的人性化照顧與人權的維護上。雖是如此,在病患意識的抬頭與醫界的自省下,政府對於醫療品質及病人安全的要求也越來越高,其中在精神病患的住院管理上,面對無行為控制能力、具有逃跑、自殺、暴力等問題行為之精神科病患,如何兼顧人性、人權、保護病患與工作人員安全為實屬艱難。在眾多的資訊科技中,由於RFID的辨識及定位功能,使得醫療院所運用於門禁管理、安全警示、追蹤監視、物流追蹤及流程管控等,對於精神病患的管控上,當屬重要利器。 因此,本研究為提昇完善精神病患住院病房之管理、提昇病人安全之防護,先透過文獻收集及專家訪談的方式,針對各種高危險因子,如自傷、自殺、暴力、逃跑、跌倒及性干擾等,搭配病房區不同的危險等級及不同時間各公共區域之危險程度,進行病患之危險性評估,進而將上述資料結合RFID建置主動式病患行蹤管理系統,透過後端電腦比對,於危險情境發生時,即時定位病人所在位置,發出訊號通知相關醫護人員前往處理。 病患行蹤管理系統完成建置後評估顯示,系統對於異常行蹤動態畫面追蹤和病患即時人數清點等工作有相當的助益。然而由於精神科病人之配合度低且不願配戴無法展開後續之效益評估(如自傷、自殺的及時防範、逃跑率的降低)之資料收集。未來研究宜考量到精神病患的特性、Tag形式的干擾,以提升病患接受度。本研究建置過程可提供後續導入者參考以提高系統導入成效。


Over the past few years, the introduction of information technology has saved time and labor costs in various industries. The healthcare industry used the manpower saved in providing more humane care and maintenance of human rights. However, it is difficult to balance humanity, human rights, and safety for both inpatients and safety while managing psychiatric wards under the rise of patient autonomy, reflection of the medical profession, and Government’s requirements of healthcare quality and patient safety. Furthermore, inpatients have no ability of self-control and have problem behaviors including escape, suicide, and violence. Having the function of identification and location, Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) is used by hospitals in access control management, security alerts, track, monitoring, logistics tracking, and process management and control. RFID could be an important gadget especially in management psychiatric wards. In order to improve the management and promote patient safety of psychiatric wards this study used literature review and expert interview to identify various risk factors such as self-infliction, suicide, violence, escape, falls, and sexual offense. Then a patient tracking computer system with RFID was established to access risks of the inpatients of these risk factors in various ward areas and public area in various times. When a dangerous incident occurs, the computer system identifies the location of the patient and alarms medical personnel to take care of the emergency. The computer system is quite helpful in dynamic screen to track abnormal movements and real-time counting of inpatients. However, due to psychiatric patients’ unwillingness of continuously wearing the RFID device, we were unable to collect further data (such as the timely prevention of self-infliction and suicide as well as reduction of inpatient escape rate). Future study should take into account the characteristics of the psychiatric inpatients and interference of the tag form to improve patient acceptance of the RFID devices. The system building experience of the present study may provide a useful reference for future researcher to effectively introduce similar RFID systems.


