

國家安全須以國防安全為後盾,而健全的兵役制度是國防安全的根本,亦是維持國防穩定獲得所需兵員的基石。 近年來因工商業發達,社會結構之改變,人口面臨少子化之衝擊,以及役期縮短等政策影響,產生對國軍兵源獲得之困擾。為因應國際戰略環境改變及兩岸關係和緩的外部環境影響,致使我國兵役政策產生了結構性之調整。 兵役制度是國家軍事作為的一個部分,亦是國防戰略作為之根本,其推行之良窳,關係到國家之安危,必須審慎地探討和評估的課題,實為本文探究之重點。 本文研究之主要目的,乃是針對徵募轉型後其政策轉型,對我國防政策之影響進行分析,並依「問題建構」的動態演進歷程,由「建構-解構-再建構」的推展,來分析募兵制度全面實行後,有關國防政策上涉及的國防預算、軍事投資、人口結構、戰略思維等「功能」與「輕微」議題層級的影響來論述。而事實上有關政策「建構-解構-再建構」的歷程,是一種不斷演進的動態,並非政策轉型後即停滯不前,所有的政策均是在推行後,不斷修正其不足,讓政策更趨完善,使其政策達到「政策接續」的目標,使我國兵役制度轉形時能更趨完美。


National defense is the backbone of national security. A robust military service system is the foundation of national defense, as it provides a sound and stable recruitment system necessary for national security. In recent years, there has been an issue of military manpower in Taiwan due to a series of factors such as industrial and economic development, changing social structure, the impact of declining of birth rate, and the shortening of the length of the military service. To respond to the changing international strategic environment as well as the rapprochement across the Taiwan Strait, the military service system in our country has undergone a structural adjustment. As part of national military behavior and foundation of national defense strategy, the effectiveness of the military service system relates directly to national security. It is therefore the purpose of this study to explore and evaluate this issue carefully. This study aims to analyze the impact of the transition in the military service system from conscription to voluntarism on Taiwan’s national defense policy. Taking a perspective of “problem structuring,” which proceeds in a “construction-deconstruction-re-construction” direction, it explores how the practice of the voluntary system may impact on certain “functional” and “minor” issues such as national defense budget, military investment, demographic structure, and the government’s strategic thinking. It is suggested that with the policy transition being in a process of “construction- deconstruction- reconstruction,” which means that policies are in a state of constant revising and evolving, the transition of Taiwan’s military service system may achieve the ideal goal of “policy succession.”


崔法‧納屈米尼(Chava F. Nachmias)、大衛‧納屈米尼(David Nachmias)著,潘明宏譯,社會科學研究方法(上)(台北:韋伯,1999年)。


