  • 學位論文


Family in James Joyce’s Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

指導教授 : 楊意鈴


家,普遍地被認定是人的避風港。然而對喬伊斯而言,並非如此。本篇論文認為,在喬伊斯的作品中,家通常是一個使人痛苦或迫使人想逃離的機構;這樣的壓迫與折磨,是由變調的親子關係及宗教、政治對家庭的影響所引起。本研究著重於喬伊斯在《都柏林人》及《年輕藝術家畫像》中對愛爾蘭家庭的描述,探討喬伊斯如何藉此顛覆傳統對家的概念;並比較這兩本作品中所呈現出的家庭樣貌。 本文章將從私領域和公領域兩個觀點來分析家的議題。第一章將細分成兩個部份,探究《都柏林人》中各個家庭。首先,討論個人與家庭的關係,並指出對個人而言,家的意義是為何。第二部份著重在宗教、政治及家庭的相互影響。第二章則將焦點放在《年輕藝術家畫像》中的家庭;循著第一章的模式,各自檢視親子互動,以及宗教和政治如何影響家庭;再進一步地指出兩本作品對家庭描繪的相似與相異之處。 在《都柏林人》裡, 家被描述成一個父母濫用權威、壓迫子女的所在,抑或是禁錮人的精神監牢;在《年輕藝術家畫像》中,家則是一個令人想遠離的地方。總結而論,透過這兩本書,喬伊斯勾勒出,家是一個使人痛苦、折磨的機構,唯一自救的方式,就是逃離,別無他法。


Conventionally, family is regarded as a haven to people. However, to James Joyce, it is not so great at all. This thesis will argue that family in Joyce’s works is usually an institution that brings the individuals pain or forces them to leave. The oppression and torment ensue from problematic parent-child relationships and religious and political forces upon family. This study focuses on the Irish households in Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and explores how Joyce subverts the traditional concept of family. Further, it will also compare and contrast the pictures of family represented in the two works. This paper will analyze the issue of family from two aspects, the private and the public domains. Chapter One will be subdivided into two sections to probe into the households in Dubliners. It starts with the discussion of the relationship between the individual and family to indicate what family really means to him or her. The second part of this chapter will emphasize the interplays among religion, politics, and family. Chapter Two concentrates on the household in A Portrait. It respectively examines the parent-child interactions and how religion and politics impose their influences upon the family like Chapter One. Further, the similarities and differences between the families in the two works will be provided in this chapter, too. In Dubliners, family is described as a place where parents oppress their children by abusing their parental authorities or where people are spiritually imprisoned; in A Portrait, family is a site which forces one to leave. To conclude, through the two works, Joyce aims to portray that family is an institution that causes pain and torture. The only method to save oneself is to escape and nothing more.


family Dubliners A Portrait religion politics individuality


Works Cited
Blades, John. James Joyce: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. London: Penguin, 1991.
Bottigheimer, Karl S.. Ireland and the Irish: A Short History. New York: Columbia University Press, 1982.
Chodorow, Nancy. The Reproduction of Mothering: Psychoanalysis and the Sociology of Gender. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1978.
Connolly, S. J., ed. Oxford Companion to Irish History. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
