  • 學位論文


A Study on the Factors Influencing Continuance Intention of Using Cloud Storage Services

指導教授 : 阮金聲


影響雲端儲存應用服務持續使用意向因素之研究 研究生:林龍宜 指導教授:阮金聲 博士 論文摘要 隨著網際網路已被大幅使用而且使用之網路頻寬也日趨加大,使得使用者越來愈習慣使用由網路服務業者所提供的服務,加上iPhone、hTC…等智慧型手機與平板電腦的興起,促使雲端市場的發展加速,雲端儲存服務堪稱是目前競爭最激烈、成長快速的市場。每一家供應商都在建立自已的利基市場建立產品差異化才能立於不敗之地。 本研究以雲端儲存使用者為研究對象,主要目的在了解持續使用雲端儲存意向之因素,本研究採用Bhattacherjee (2001a)資訊系統持續使用之期望確認模式(Expectation-Confirmation Model of IS Continuance, ECM) 為理論模式,並根據雲端儲存的特性納入行動性、便利性、信任、這三個研究變數建立研究理論架構。本研究透過問卷調查法進行量化統計分析,共回收551份有效樣本,資料分析使用結構方程模式(SEM)驗證研究假設,主要的研究發現 (1)確認程度、行動性、便利性正向顯著影響知覺有用性;(2)確認程度正向顯著影響滿意度,滿意度正向顯著信任;(3)知覺有用性並無顯著影響滿意度;(4)知覺有用性、信任、滿意度正向顯著影響持續使用雲端儲存的意向。本研究依據上述發現提出具體的理論與實務意涵以及未來研究建議。


A Study on the Factors Influencing Continuance Intention of Using Cloud Storage Services Author : Long-Yi Lin Advisor : Jinsheng Roan Abstract The prevailing Internet and the fast growing bandwidth have made the Internet users become more and more accustomed to using the services provided by Internet Service Providers. With the rise of smart phones and tablet PCs, the cloud markets have been developing rapidly and nowadays the cloud storage service is one of the most competitive and the fastest growing markets. Each vendor strives for its own niche markets for product differentiation to establish its own strong foundation. This research aims at understanding the factors influencing users’ willingness to use cloud storage services. We incorporated mobility, convenience, and trust into the Expectation-Confirmation Model of IS Continuance (ECM, Bhattacherjee, 2001a) and conducted a questionnaire survey to examine our model. A total of 539 questionnaires were returned as effective samples for further data analysis. The main findings are as follows: 1. Confirmation, mobility, and convenience have positive impacts on perceived usefulness. 2. Confirmation has a positive impact on satisfaction. 3. Satisfaction has a positive impact on trust. 4. Perceived usefulness, trust, and satisfaction have positive impacts on the continuance intention of using cloud storage services.


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