  • 學位論文


The Application Service Using the Smart Phone to Detect Nearby Cars for Notifying

指導教授 : 劉維正


在高速公路夜間景色變化不大,駕駛人因為景色單調而容易進入睡眠狀態,造成安全性降低。為了解決睡眠駕駛問題,本論文著重在提醒駕駛人要恢復開車的注意力,所以本論文採用搭載Android作業系統的智慧型手持裝置,使用相機 (Camera) 和藍牙 (Bluetooth) 偵測裝置來偵測鄰近車輛,在設備能感測的通訊範圍發現有車輛,就會透過警報提醒駕駛人要注意。另外,對於使用者來說,使用介面越簡單越好,所以本論文會以簡單介面和不複雜的操作為訴求,盡量讓使用者可以輕易上手。


智慧型手機 相機 藍牙


Because the driver drives in the highway, the monotonous scene, the driver is led to be in the sleeping situation easily. It is dangerous to drive in the sleeping state. To solve the problem, the main research point is that notifying the driver to go back the normal driving situation. Consequently, we select the smart phone with Android operating system, use the camera and Bluetooth to detect the cars nearby the user’s car. If other cars get into the distance of being detected by device, the device would send the ring of the alarm to notify the driver. Furthermore, the simple view of the application is easily to use for the users so that we focus on designing the simple interface and uncomplicated operating process. Therefore, the users could get started with the application quickly.


Android Smart Phone Camera Bluetooth


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[2] Android developers [Online] Available: http://developer.android.com
[3] WIKIPEDIA The Free Encyclopedia [Online] Available: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wide_VGA#WVGA_.28800.C3.97480.29
[4] ARM [Online] Available: http://www.arm.com/products/processors/cortex-a/index.php
