  • 學位論文


Veterans of the map diary--Application life review system to improve the institutions of geriatric depression

指導教授 : 張怡秋


本研究以準實驗法,發展專為老兵所設計之人生回顧資訊系統,研究動機仍因長期接觸這一群特別的老人-老兵,發現在安養機構中,其憂鬱及失智的情況日益嚴重,且凋零速度之快,讓老化問題及心理照護受到重視,這些年事已高的老兵,他們播遷來台,經歷戰役,在人生最後的歷程,都會對自己的軍旅生涯作一番回顧,重新看待他們曾用生命寫下的歷史故事,因此如何協助老兵回顧生命歷程,達到自我統整是相當重要且急迫性的工作。 本研究目的在於建置一套「老兵之地圖日記」系統,用訪談方式收集資料,透過資訊科技的技術將事件地點以地圖標示方式,串連老兵一生遷徙的地點,統整所有老兵的口述歷史的演進,讓老兵在生命的終點,再次激起生命的火花,在統整其過去的同時,利用「老人憂鬱量表」及「簡易智能量表」進行前後量測,研究結果指出人生回顧系統對於老兵的憂鬱狀況有改善,但分數差異不顯著,另外,智能狀況則有顯著差異,為分數明顯退步,故系統對於老化所帶來的智能減退,是無法改善的。 本系統的建置,除了協助榮家進行老兵個人之生命回顧,提昇照護品質外,也能落實政府照護榮民之心理衛生政策,並減少專業人員的工作負擔,讓非專業人員(志工)能參與,未來研究成效可提供更多相同背景之外住榮民後續擴展,亦能延伸至其他安養機構進行個別性人生回顧系統建置之參考。


老人憂鬱 機構 人生回顧


According to quasi-experimental method, this research is specially designed for the veterans developed a life reminiscence information system .The long-term contact with these particularly elderly veterans, who have retreated to Taiwan in 1949 and experienced the Civil war, became our research motivation. In the nursing home, we discovered increasing conditions of melancholia and Alzheimer’s disease among theses veterans; thus, the problem with aging and mental care were emphasized. Their mind might flash back to their military career in the twilight of their life. Furthermore, it is necessary, for us, to treat these veterans past actions as a significant portion of history and to assist them to review their life progress. The purpose of this study is to build a system - “Mental map of the veteran life”, therefore, it is important and imperative to help them achieve self-integration and self-identification.By migrated throughout their life on the map using the information system. We integrated the evolution of the veteran oral history and awakened their vitality and energy in the latter part of their life. Moreover, we also used “Geriatric Depression Scale” and “Mini Mental State Examination" to assist with our interviews. The study’s result indicated that the depression of the veterans is on the mend via the life review system, but the difference of the score is not obvious. In addition, because of the regress, there is a prominent difference in intellect scores. In sum, then, the system cannot improve the condition of intellectual decline caused by ageing. Setting up this system, we not only assist veterans recall their personal memories, which can promote the quality of caring, but also carry out government’s policy that can guarantee veterans’ mental health. Adding on, we could, also, reduce the workload of the professionals, thus, in the future, non-professionals (volunteers)are able to participate the caring assistance. This research’s result provides the follow-up expansion of the same background veterans. Overall, we aim that the results will be popularized in other nursing home as a reference to build other individual’s life reminiscence.


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