  • 學位論文


Applying Multimedia Data Mining Technique on Product Association and Marketing Keyword–An Example on Apparel Distribution Industries

指導教授 : 黃士銘


隨著Web 2.0 應用日趨成熟,網際網路的應用以成為不可或缺的生活技能,近幾年圖片結合資料探勘的應用越來越多元,以及國內電子商務市場的商機越來越大,最近最為熱門的C2C電子商務模式更是潛力無限,網路賣家們為了能在虛擬市場中取得更佳的競爭優勢以及差異化,無不絞盡腦汁希望能在產品標題、圖片與內容描述方面更加吸引消費者上門,此外目前國內外的研究大部分推薦機制的主要對象為終端使用者居多,而本研究目的則是嘗試使用設計科學研究法,從中獲得使用者觀感的圖片與文字之後,實作一個系統機制做為推薦給賣家的推薦產品描述系統。 因此本研究提出了一個色彩語意分佈圖的機制,此機制主要應用了色彩語意(Color Semantics)與影像處理(Image Processing)技術建置,其中我們透過網路爬蟲蒐集約兩萬多筆的資料,於Yahoo拍賣平台上服飾類別的賣家產品資訊當作實驗的資料來源,當完成色彩語意分佈圖建置後,與Yahoo現有的關鍵字查詢做比較,本實驗共提供了二十四種色彩語意詞彙,讓受測者針對每個詞彙進行挑選,目的是為了驗證本系統機制是否當使用者利用色彩語意詞彙作查詢時,其能更接近使用者的觀感,文字部分則利用資料探勘分類中的決策樹分析來建構產品文字規則,結合以上規則與色彩語意分佈圖為推薦產品描述系統過濾查詢使用,並且透過實地實驗法,以證明本系統機制的有用性、易用性與資訊滿意度。最後的實驗結果顯示,本系統機制於使用者利用色彩語意進行查詢時的效果比目前Yahoo現有關鍵字查詢比較時更能貼近使用者的色彩語意感受,此外本研究系統也具有良好的感受有用性、感受易用性以及資訊滿意度,證明了本研究開發的推薦產品描述系統機制,的確能帶給網路賣家有實際上的效益。


With Web 2.0 applications more mature than before. It is become very important in our life. The image combined with data mining applications is more diverse in recent years. Moreover, e-commerce let more and more people can easy and convenient deal product on the internet. In particular, consumer-to-consumer e-commerce model has unlimited potential in the feature. So many on-line sellers beat their brains out to think about what product title, image and description can attract to consumers browse web store and buy product. However, the new on-line seller don’t know how to describe them product information and don’t know what color semantic is match on them product. On the other hand, much market research tell that looking for product information on the internet is the most important predictor of online buying behavior. Hence we think if some software or recommendation system can recommend product information, It is should help on-line seller reduce time which upload product on the internet and create more vocabulary can use. In this paper, we use design science research methodology and propose a color semantic coordinate graph. Our study use data mining clustering concept and collect nearly 1,500 color list to find each group on the coordinate graph. In addition, product information is come from the Yahoo platform which use web crawler to collect. Our system allows users to use color semantics such as beautiful, handsome and so on to retrieval. Also on-line seller can upload product image let system to find match information. Experimental results show that the on-line seller agree perceived usefulness, the perceived ease of use and the user information. And the experiment proved the validity of our mechanism.


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