  • 學位論文


Study Of Prevention And Strategy Under Globalization Of Illegal Drugs In Schools:An Analysis Of The (3+1)i Decision-Making Model

指導教授 : 陳亮智


毒品犯罪屬於一種經濟活動,因此,毒品在經濟全球化的浪潮下迅速流通,逕而形成毒品全球化的現象。爰此,世界各國認為毒品問題在未來影響人類安全之層面勢必逐漸擴大,遂紛紛加強重視毒品危害防制之議題,然而回顧以往臺灣政府之毒品防制策略方針,乃以積極推動毒品查緝、預防與矯治等政策,雖有效嚇阻毒品販賣行為之擴大、降低毒品之吸食人口、提升國人拒毒之觀念,並有效促使臺灣國內法規中隸屬於第一、二級毒品分類之海洛因等傳統毒品漸漸式微,但是目前臺灣社會卻仍陷入新興毒品持續氾濫而未能解決之窘境。 由於臺灣社會環境的急速變遷,致使國內毒品犯罪之環境結構改變,販毒集團乃將新興毒品之販毒策略轉向以青少年為群體生活之校園,成為國內校園毒品氾濫之主因,基於新興毒品危害面象的轉變,青少年毒品犯罪行為及國內毒品市場之研究,儼然是國內未來毒品氾濫趨勢調查之最重要指標。 茲因目前臺灣社會毒品人口年輕化的現象,己成為臺灣社會治安的隠憂,影響國家安全與發展甚鉅,是故本文擬透由(3+1)i決策模型,檢視新興毒品危害之問題層面存在哪些因素,藉以研究 分析出具體政策建議,提供臺灣政府制定一套完善的校園毒品防制策略。


Drug-related crime is a particular type of economic activity. As the acceleration of economic globalization, drug use keeps surging. Drug abuse has a great impact of globalization on economic and market structure. Hence, the world concerns that the drug problem constitutes a global challenge that negatively crashes on the public health, security and well-being of all humanity, so that more attention to the drug prevention is greatly increased. However, in retrospect, Taiwanese government’s drug control strategies are to actively prevent and combat drug trafficking, to take necessary precaution against drug, and to establish drug treatment and rehabilitation and other related policies. Although those strategies efficaciously deter drug trafficking from expanding, gradually reduce the population of drug users, sincerely motivate inhabitant Taiwanese to refrain from using drug, and effectively stimulate to undermine the foundation of Class 1 drug and Class 2 drug in Taiwanese laws and regulations, the whole country is still in predicament. People fall into overrun with emerging drugs but fail to resolve issues. The rapid social change results in a new set of the environmental structure of the drug-related crime transition. Drug trafficking syndicates plan their tactics in a different level in order to target youth to use emerging drugs. Illegal drugs continue to be a principle problem among young people. Whereas emerging drug threats, further investigating young drug user’s behavior and the illicit drug market is of vital importance. The proportion of young people using criminal drugs has been rising significantly. Drug abuse and addiction are major burdens to society. The whole nation must, of cou rse, be aware of existing problems, security concerns, and potential threats. Therefore, the theory of the (3 +1)i Decision-Making model is built to survey the factors of the n ew emerging drugs that seriously affect every aspect of life. Based on the deep analys es, the concrete suggestions have been put forward in this thesis in order to propose Taiwanese government a comprehensive drug control strategy to prevent illegal drugs in schools.


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