  • 學位論文


Prevention Of Drugs And Security Of Human: The Case Of Drug-Prevention In Taiwan

指導教授 : 蔡育岱


毒品經營已經具國際化、組織化、專業化、集團化、科技化、網絡化、全球化的發展,對人類安全不管是在個人、國家或國際區域間都產生嚴重威脅。本研究採文獻研究法,以毒品防制與人類安全為基礎,研究各國毒品防制的作法與績效,尋找到最適合我國的毒品防制方法,讓我國毒品防制政策更臻完備。 經本研究後,對我國毒品防政策之建議歸納如下: 一、預防勝於治療,研究並重視新毒犯與青少年吸毒的原因,防此新的毒品人口產生,並免新生毒品犯再淪為再氾罪者。 二、面對新興合成毒品在娛樂場合氾濫,並入侵校園情形,加強特定場所的查緝行動,嚇阻及減少毒品交易、氾濫的空間,並保障校園安全。 三、對脅迫他人吸毒者、製毒、販毒,判予重刑。 四、改善觀察毒品勒戒業務的效能與品質,將戒治處遇作業、專業職能與人力資源配置作妥善的設計後,招募專業的編置人員,或藉由產學合作、工作外包、或鼓勵、訓練戒治成功者取得相關證照,加入輔導戒治行列。 五、成立緝毒專責機關,緊密國際緝毒合作與交流,特別是兩岸間的緝毒合作機制、加強電信監聽技術與設備,善用緝毒工具,包含緝毒犬的訓練與運用,都能有效精進執法之能力。 六、重視用藥後危險駕駛問題,除酒測外,同時加強訓練員警辨識使用藥物後的瞳孔反應與查處能力,提出防制策略。 七、加強社區守望相助及鼓勵檢舉,結合民間力量,全民共同防制毒品犯罪。 基於保衛人類安全,毒品防制工作一天都不能有所懈怠。希望政府在毒品防制工作除了法制面與醫療面的規劃、思考外,能夠全面性的思考毒品犯罪的導因,同時改善人文面、社會面與經濟面,甚至教育面的相關因素,建立良善的社會風氣與素質,建構無毒家園,確保人類安全,是為本研究對未來的展望。


毒品防制 人類安全


Drug is operated by internationalization, organization, specialization, and globalization. It definitely is a serious threat to human being no matter to personal, national, or international. This study was focused on the documentary analysis, based on drug control and human security. To investigate other countries’ drug control practices and performances to find the most suitable solution for our country's drug control in order to make the drug control policy completely. The recommendations of the drug control policy are summarized as follows: 1. Prevention is better than treatment. Need to pay attention to reduce the new drug traffickers and youth drug abuse. 2. Facing the emerging synthetic drugs flooding in the entertainment occasions and the invasion in the campus. Need to strengthen the investigation to specific places to reduce the drug trade, and to secure the safety of the campus. 3. Sentenced heavy penalty to those threat others to use, take and produce the drug. 4. To improve the performance and quality of the observed drug rehabilitation program in the Drug Abuser Treatment Center. It is better to work with proper outsourcing or the academia, such as professional functions and allocation of human resources for a proper design, the recruitment of professional staff, training those who in the Rehabilitation Institution to obtain the relevant license, join the counseling treatment. 5. Set up anti-drug organization to work with the international anti-narcotics cooperation, especially the cooperation of across the strait. To strengthen the telecommunications monitoring technology and equipment and to use of anti-drug tool, including the training and use of drug detector dogs. 6. Pay attention on the dangerous driving of the drug use. In the meanwhile, strengthening the training of police officers to identify the pupil reaction after the drug use and investigation ability to suggest certain strategies. 7. Strengthen community mutual help program. Use the non-governmental forces to the general public to control and prevent the drug-related crimes. Base on protecting the human safety, the job of the anti-drug can not be slacked. When our government is making the anti-drug policy, should consider the cause and the effect of the drug criminal to establishment a good social atmosphere to adrug-free community to secure the people who live on this island.


