  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of 20 kW Three-Phase Three-Wire Bi-directional Inverter

指導教授 : 吳財福


本研究提出可應用於直流供電系統與市電間的數位電流控制三相雙向換流器,其具備市電併聯與整流功能於一體。數位電流控制法之優點為允許寬廣電感變化,可克服電感值隨電流增大而大幅衰減之問題、可有效降低鐵心尺寸及適用於三相電壓失真與不平衡之情況。本論文說明元件之選擇,包括系統並聯使用的功率開關與蕭特基二極體,以及電感鐵心規格與材質之選擇。最後,實作出三相三線式20 kW雙向換流器,並實際驗證其功能。


This thesis presents two-phase modulated digital current control for a three-phase bi-directional inverter with wide inductance variation in dc distribution systems. The bi-directional inverter can fulfill both grid connection and rectification. With the proposed control, the inverter is allowed to have wide inductance variation, reducing core size significantly. Additionally, the control can accommodate three-phase voltage distortion and imbalance. Design and selection of components, such as switches, schottky diodes and core materials, are also addressed in this thesis. Measured results from a 20 kW three-phase bi-directional inverter have been presented to confirm the feasibility of the discussed control approach.


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