  • 學位論文


Reminiscence Course with Older Adults in the Community and Its Influence on Loneliness and Life Satisfaction

指導教授 : 陳毓璟


本研究是以社區高齡者為研究對象,旨在瞭解參與懷舊課程對其寂寞感及生活滿意度之影響,經由相關文獻探討的結果,採準實驗研究前後測設計來分析其成效。並且透過課程反思記錄與訪談之質性分析,來補充量化分析的不足。 本研究受試者總共62人,立意選擇嘉義市某二社區五十五歲以上的高齡者,依其參加意願分為實驗組及對照組,各獲得有效樣本31份。實驗組參與十週,每週二次的懷舊課程教學,對照組則未實施實驗處理,並於教學實驗前、後一週進行寂寞感及生活滿意度問卷評量。以及進行質性分析作為補充。研究結果發現懷舊課程的介入可以讓社區高齡者減少寂寞感與提升生活滿意度。 依據研究結論提出幾點建議以供參考: 一、對懷舊課程的設計與推動 (一)舉辦懷舊課程之前,必須充分瞭解學員的性質,才能決定懷舊課程進行方式,以及懷舊課程主題,設計來源可以從三大面向為依據:第一,以生命週期各階段發展和歷程為主;第二,針對生命中遇到的特殊事件進行描述;第三,針對日常活動。最後,再來決定使用的教具、上課次數與上課時間等。 (二)教學過程中觀察學員反應,出現負面情緒時給予協助。以及透過語言、肢體動作、輔助教具等,傳達教學者想要完成的教學目標。 二、對服務高齡者相關單位之建議 (一)辦理「懷舊課程」培訓,培養內部種子教師。 (二)針對不同性質的高齡者提供不同施教的課程,強化教學成果。 三、對後續研究者之建議 (一)必須參與「懷舊課程」培訓,才能投入研究場域中。 (二)以不同縣市作為研究對象、增加樣本人數。以及對同一社區不同團體分成實驗組及對照組。 (三)以更多元的方式蒐集相關資料,如:課程檢討會議、課程意見調查表、儘可能訪談所有參與課程的學員、訪談社區領導者等。


The participants of this study were older adults in the community. This research purpose was to examine the affects that attending reminiscence courses had on loneliness and life satisfaction. Through the results of a literature review, effectiveness was analyzed using a quasi-experimental research method with a pretest posttest design. Additional qualitative analysis of course reflection records and the interview responses were employed to supplement the quantitative analysis. We recruited 62 participants above the age of 55 from two communities in Chiayi City using purposive selection. The participants were divided into an experimental group and a control group according to their willingness to participate. Subsequently, 31 valid samples were obtained from each group. The participants in the experimental group attended reminiscence courses twice a week for 10 weeks. No experimental interventions or processing were provided to the control group. Loneliness and life satisfaction questionnaires and evaluations were conducted one week before and after the instructional experiment, with qualitative analysis providing additional information. The results indicate that the intervention of reminiscence courses can reduce the loneliness and increase the life satisfaction of older adults. The conclusions of this study provide the following recommendations for reference: 1.The design and promotion of reminiscence courses Obtain a complete understanding of the participants’ characteristics before conducting reminiscent courses to determine the appropriate approach and course topics. The design sources should be based on the following three aspects: First, the development and experience or process obtained during various stages of life. Second, descriptions of special life events. Third, emphasis on daily life activities. Finally, teaching aids should be determined, as well as the course amount and duration. Observe the participants’ reactions during courses, and offer assistance to participants exhibiting negative emotions. Communicate the instructor’s course objective using spoken word, body language, and teaching aids. 2.Advice for relevant units serving older adults Provide reminiscence course training and develop internal seed instructors. Apply various reminiscence courses according to the different characteristics of older adults in the community to enhance the education results. 3.Advice for future researchers Researchers must participate in reminiscence course training before conducting or participating in the research field or venue. Recruit participants from various counties and cities and increase the sample size. Divide participants from the same community in different groups into an experimental group and a control group. Employ more diverse methods to collect related data, such as course feedback or investigation conferences, course feedback and opinion forms, interviewing as many participants as possible, and interviewing community leaders.




