  • 學位論文


The Development Process of Chinese Sentence Comprehension in Children: Neuropsychology Approach

指導教授 : 陳欣進


母語的使用會隨著年齡增長而熟練,過去研究大多以成人為主,較少探討兒童語言理解的發展歷程,且Hagroot(2005)提出的「記憶整合控制模型(MUC Model)」,與Jung-Beeman(2005)的「雙側激發整合選擇模型( BAIS)」,在解釋語言理解歷程的區域與功能上有所差異與衝突。本實驗主要針對學齡兒童進行中文語句理解測驗,比較不同年齡兒童在處理歷程上的差異,並區別進行中文理解時,語義整合或語義選擇區域符合哪一模型的觀點。 實驗分別操弄中文語句的語義模糊性與語尾限制性,用以分離語義整合與語義選擇兩種歷程,並同時使用近紅外光腦血流分析儀(NIRS)監控兩模型所提出的整合與選擇區,量測國小二年級與四年級學生,在閱讀理解中文語句時的行為反應與腦部變化,比較因年齡成長在額下迴與前顳葉中上迴所造成的影響,及面對語義模糊性與語尾限制性兩種不同作業時,兩區域的改變情形,進而瞭解語言理解在大腦中的發展軌跡。本研究發現,學齡兒童在中文語句理解歷程符合BAIS所述,處理語義整合作業下,雙側前顳葉中上迴有激發反應,面對語義選擇時,活化反應則集中在雙側顳下迴,四年級在處理高模糊語義時,右側腦區的反應也相對較明顯;針對年齡發展研究,發現四年級學童除了動作反應與判斷語義能力均有提升外,面對語義模糊程度不同時,腦部在語義整合功能運作的差異較為明顯,但在語義選擇上並未看見年級效果。 關鍵字:記憶整合控制模型、雙側激發整合選擇模型、近紅外光腦血流分析儀、語義模糊性、句尾限制性、語句理解、兒童發展


Studies in sentence comprehension were mainly tested on adults, comparing to those on children. There were mainly two models on language comprehension process: the Memory, Unification & Control (MUC) model (Hagroot, 2005) and the Bilateral Activation, Integration, and Selection(BAIS) model (Jung-Beeman, 2005). Nevertheless, the cognitive functions and brain areas involved were different and conflicted between two models. The present study examined semantic integration and semantic selection processes in Chinese sentence comprehension on 2nd and 4th graders by manipulating the semantic ambiguity and the constraint of the sentence stimuli while blood flow changes on bilateral interior frontal gyrus (IFG) and anterior middle/superior temporal gyrus (aM/STG) were recorded with Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS). The results suggested that Chinese sentence comprehension in children could be better explained by the BAIS model with bilateral aM/STG played an important role in semantic integration and bilateral IFG was related to semantic selection. Fourth graders performed more quickly and accurately than did by the second graders. The present study also indicated that the right hemisphere was more involved in processing high ambiguous sentences for fourth graders. Whereas ambiguity effects were more evidenced in fourth graders, no grade effect was obtained on semantic selection. Key word: MUC model, BAIS model, NIRS, ambiguity, constraint, Chinese sentence comprehension, child development


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