  • 學位論文


Eileen Chang’s The Rice-Sprout Song: Propaganda or Classic?

指導教授 : 羅林


張愛玲是二十世紀非常重要的華人雙語作家。她同時以中英文寫成了幾本重要的小說,《秧歌》是其中的一本。然而,部分重要學者與評論家將此一作品視為其拙作,他們認為張愛玲此作是為了美國新聞處的冷戰反共宣傳而寫。本篇論文旨在辯明這是一項不正確的評價,並且闡述《秧歌》亦是張愛玲饒富意趣的小說之一。 第一章探討《秧歌》並非是為了宣傳所作,此一評論與其最初用何種語言先寫有著非常大的關係。部分評論家認為《秧歌》一開始即是為香港的美國新聞處而以英文寫成的。然而,現今有一強而有力的文本證據顯示張愛玲在見到美新處的人員之前,早就開始以中文寫作《秧歌》的故事了。 第二章主張《秧歌》是一本值得閱讀的經典小說,而非宣傳之作。部分批評家認為張愛玲平生從未涉足鄉下地方,更遑論可以確切地描寫農民生活。不過,現在有一篇散文〈異鄉記〉足以證明張愛玲確實到過一個離上海不遠的農村,認識了一些農民,她把這些經歷寫在〈異鄉記〉裡。同時,藉由中國史實與宣傳小說中的普遍特性來檢視秧歌的故事內容,本篇論文檢視張愛玲在《秧歌》故事裡,確實是寫出了歷史真實,而非是帶有偏見的描述共產體制底下的農民生活。 本篇論文對於研究張愛玲張學最重要的貢獻是,〈異鄉記〉是《秧歌》寫作的來源。


張愛玲 秧歌 異鄉記 宣傳 雙語寫作


Eileen Chang is one of the most important Chinese bilingual writers of the twentieth century. She wrote important novels in both English and Chinese, including The Rice-Sprout Song. However, this work has been criticized by important scholars and critics as a poor novel because they believe she wrote it as Cold-War anti-Communist propaganda for the United States Information Service. This thesis argues that this is an inaccurate assessment and that The Rice-Sprout Song is one of Chang’s more interesting novels. Chapter one argues that The Rice-Sprout Song was not written for propaganda, which has much to do with the language in which it was written first. Some critics think it was first written in English for the United States Information Service in Hong Kong, but there is strong evidence that she had already begun writing it in Chinese before meeting the USIS people. Chapter two argues that The Rice-Sprout Song should be considered a classic novel worth reading rather than mere propaganda. Some critics think Chang had never been to the countryside and therefore could not have written about peasants’ life accurately. But there is now evidence that she did get to know at least some peasants in a village near Shanghai and that she wrote about her experience in her essay entitled “Travel to Villages.” Examining her story according to the history of China and the common features of propaganda, this thesis argues that her story was historically accurate rather than a biased depiction of peasant life under Communism. The most important contribution of this thesis to Eileen Chang studies is its examination of “Travel to Villages” as a source for The Rice-Sprout Song.


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Liu, Kwang-Ching. “World View and Peasant Rebellion: Reflections on Post-Mao Historiography.” The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 40, No. 2 (Feb., 1981), pp. 295-326. Print.
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Wolf, Eric R.. Peasant Wars of the Twentieth Century. New York: Harper & Row, 1973. Print.
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