  • 學位論文

影響民眾保護醫療資訊隱私之因素 -以子宮頸抹片提示系統為例

The factors that affect the protected health information – A case study for active Pap Smear reminding system

指導教授 : 張怡秋


自民國71年以來,癌症即為國人十大死因之首位,據過去研究顯示,癌症若能提早發現其治癒率都能有所提高,故衛生署自民國84年起推動「子宮頸抹片篩檢」,其結果顯示確實大幅降低了子宮頸癌的發生率和死亡率,達到五成之多,故民國99年起國民健康局新增「乳癌」、「大腸癌」及「口腔癌」的癌症篩檢項目,以保障國民的健康。隨著資訊科技的進步,為了配合政策的推動,醫院內建置「提示系統」來提示院內員工向民眾提醒作篩檢,然而提示系統在獲取民眾的醫療資訊之作業流程,與醫療制度與醫病關係中所強調的病患權利與病患隱私要求,有所矛盾。 故此本研究以民眾接受使用醫療資訊系統之前提下,探討民眾對於個人醫療資訊保護的自覺程度,又本研究試圖以人格特質和健康行為習慣將病患做分類,以驗證個人特質對於提示系統的隱私顧慮與信任之關係,並加入醫病關係的觀點來討論個人保護醫療資訊隱私之意願的關係。


Since 1982, cancer has been the first leading cause of death for people in Taiwan. According to past studies, the cancer cure rate, if found early, can be improved. It has been shown that since 1995, the use of "Pap smear screening", has reduced the incidence of cervical cancer and mortality 50%. Since 2010 the government health officials have added "breast cancer "," colorectal cancer "and" oral cancer" screening projects in order to protect citizens' health. It is important to find a way to respect the privacy of Taiwan women while at the same time offering them cancer screening reminders. In this study, we will explore various influencing factors that can help women get better access to medical information systems. This will benefit boss the medical system and the public. It is important to recognize privacy, trust and the doctor-patient relationship in obtaining personal medical information.


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