  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林文昌


中國於2005年7月21日公佈人民幣實施管理浮動匯率制度,本研究主要探討在不同匯率制度下,匯率、物價指數、利率、股價指數與產出水準之關聯性,以2001年至2011年之月資料為研究樣本,利用Johansen共整合與向量誤差修正模型來釐清變數間彼此之互動情形,並加入衝擊反應函數的概念,觀察當其中一變數發生變動時,對其它變數所造成的衝擊影響,希望透過實證結果分析,以供投資人決策及學術研究參考。 研究結果顯示,不論在中國實施管理浮動匯率制度之前或實施之後,匯率、物價指數、利率、股價指數與工業生產指數皆存在共整合關係。在VECM模型中,觀察出美元指數及美元兌人民幣匯率若偏離與其他四個變數的線性組合之趨勢值時,將於下期向下調整,以回應共同趨勢,調整方向為負向。在Granger因果關係檢定得知,顯示中國在實施管理浮動匯率制度之前,美元指數與工業生產指數存在雙向回饋關係;而在實施之後,美元兌人民幣匯率與物價指數存在雙向回饋之效果,且其各變數之因果關係更為顯著。


The aim of this thesis is to observe the impact on the dynamic of macroeconomic factors due to the adoption of the managed floating rate system on RMB in 2005. This thesis examines the intertemporal relationship among exchange rate, price index, interest rate, stock index across the fixed and floating exchange rate system during 2001~2011. By conducting the co-integration analysis and the vector error correction model (VECM) approaches, this paper sheds light on that the correlations exist between these variables can provide investors and researchers rich information for determining their investment decisions and research strategies. The results from the Johansen co-integration test reveal that, significant co-integrations exist among exchange rate, price index, real interest rate, stock index and output variables, suggesting that there is a long run equilibrium relationship embedded among the four variables. From the VECM, I find that the deviation between US Dollar index and the USD/RMB exchange rate from the long-run trend formed by the other four macroeconomic indexes will be adjusted reversely to align with the trend. The results from the Granger causality test based upon the sample period under the fixed RMB/USD exchange rate system, I find that a feedback causality relationship between the US Dollar index and the IPI. I also find more causal relationships between variables period are extant during the period that the floating exchange rate system is enforced.


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5.施志行(2008), 「次級房貸事件對美、德、中、英四國股市及總體經濟變數的影響」,成功大學經營管理碩士學位碩士論文。
