  • 學位論文


A Study of Consumer Experience and E-Learning from the Experiential Marketing Perspective-Using a Certain Company as an Example

指導教授 : 曾光華


近幾年來國內數位學習(e-learning)業者林立,使得招生率下降等大環境的不利因素增加,業者更顯激烈競爭。隨著體驗行銷(Experiential marketing)概念的普及化,時下已有越來越多的企業開始以體驗為行銷主軸,並成為競爭優勢的關鍵要素之一。因此,瞭解目標市場之特性並擬定適合的行銷策略,乃是企業運作及永續經營的重要課題,也是企業行銷管理人員學習的方向。有鑒於此,本研究欲從此觀點針對數位學習市場,藉由深度訪談法探討消費者選擇數位學習業者的因素、學習的經驗與體驗。 本研究選定在台灣數位學習產業中,居於先行者地位之業者作為深入探討的個案公司(A公司)。所謂數位學習是源自於早期的「遠距教學」,是一種能跨越空間與時間限制的學習方法。本研究是根據Schmitt(1999)提出之體驗行銷(Experiential mark-eting)為理論架構,針對前來體驗數位學習並且成功通過考試之學習者為訪談對象,藉以瞭解成功考取之學習者的經驗與感受,故採用部分構面作為本研究之體驗策略模組,包含感官(Sense)、情感(Feel)、思考(Think)、行動(Act)等四大構面,並以Henry(2001)針對數位學習的三要素,包含內容(Content)、服務(Services)、技術(Technology)做為體驗媒介,建立訪談大綱。而本研究共選取7位參與A公司之數位學習者,作為本研究之受訪者,分別進行一對一深度訪談,且參與數位學習時間皆長達一年以上,每次訪談時間約為一小時,並於事後製作逐字稿,交予受訪者檢視,以提高資料信效度。研究結果發現數位學習者選擇業者之因素主要有以下三點:1.以師資為主要考量;2.專業的服務具有強烈的吸引力;3.學習影片是具有高品質的。


Due to the setting up of many e-learning companies in domestic circuit in the recent years, the rate of enrolling new students has gone down and that has led to fierce competition among practitioners. Fierce competition in the e-learning market has made them adopt experiential marketing skill to recruit student. So, it is an important subject, managed continuously forever, understanding the characteristic of the target market and drafting the appropriate marketing tactics is enterprise's operation. It is the direction of administrative staff's study of enterprise's marketing too. This research clearly reveals about the reasons for student's choice of e-learning and their experience as well as about the innovative method of this experiential marketing skill. This research chooses those companies that are the forerunners in Taiwan e-learning industry as the study case. The e-learning originated from early “Distance Learning”'. It is a learning method that can cross over space and time restriction. However, according to Schmitt (1999), experiential marketing focuses on people’s interest in e-learning and succeeds in the examination as interview object. In order to understand learners who pass the test their experience and feeling, this research adopts four dimensions as the intersection of experience, include the sense, feel, think, and act. Additionally, with Henry (2001), three key elements of e-learning include the content, services, and technology. It acts as experiencing media to set up interview outline. This study selected seven respondents that use one-to-one depth interviews. And then participate in e-learning time more than one year. Each interview time is about one hour . The major findings were as follows: 1.Teachers is the main consideration. 2. Professional services have a strong appeal. 3. Learning videos with high quality.


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