  • 學位論文


The Effects of Interactive Reading Aloud on EFL Remedial Students’ Word Recognition and Reading Fluency

指導教授 : 紀鳳鳴


近幾年, 許多學者宣稱重覆閱讀不再只是培養閱讀流暢度的方法,相反地,必須結合不同的教學要素和活動以利學生增進此能力。本研究旨在探討互動式出聲誦讀對台灣國小補救教學學生英文認字和閱讀流暢度的學習效益,此外,並探討學生對互動式出聲誦讀的看法。本論文研究對象為十二名國小三年級補救教學學生,他們接受為期十八週的互動式出聲誦讀訓練以探討英文認字與朗讀流暢的進步情形。資料收集分成三個階段: 階段I, 階段II, 和階段III。資料來源包括階段I實行之測驗一的字母測驗,階段II實行之測驗二的朗讀流暢結果與學生朗讀誤讀之分析,以及階段III實行的重覆測驗二和新文本的朗讀流暢結果與學生朗讀誤讀分析。半結構式訪談法則用於了解學生對此種閱讀方式的意見看法與回饋。本論文結果指出經過互動式出聲誦讀的訓練後,從比較測驗二和重覆測驗二指出學生在閱讀正確度、朗讀速度及認字能力上皆有進步,誤讀的次數也相對減少,但是此能力並未遷移至新文本。由訪談資料顯示,全班大聲誦讀為最有效的活動,而配對閱讀為最困難的活動,學生對互動式出聲誦讀的效益持正面的評價, 他們自覺到自己英文認字及閱讀流暢度上的成長。本研究顯示互動式出聲誦讀有助於提升國小學生的英文認字閱讀流暢度,最後並提供互動式出聲誦讀法在英語教學法上的應用。


In recent years, many researchers have argued that reading fluency cannot be developed simply by repeated reading, but instead that different instructional components and reading aloud activities should be combined to achieve this. The present study investigated the effects of using an interactive reading aloud method on the word recognition and reading fluency of a group of EFL third grade remedial students. In addition, the students’ perceptions of the use of the interactive reading aloud method were also explored. Twelve third-graders in an English remedial class were given the interactive reading aloud training for 18 weeks. The data collection procedures were divided into three phases: (1) phase I, (2) phase II, and (3) phase III. The data sources included Test 1 for letter identification in phase I, Test 2 in phase II, and a repeat of Test 2 as well as a transfer test in phase III for fluency and miscues analysis. Interview data were collected and transcribed verbatim to investigate the remedial students’ perceptions of the interactive reading aloud method. The results indicated that the students made improvements in reading speed, reading accuracy, and word recognition after the training, and the number of reading miscues they made also decreased between Test 2 and Repeat Test 2. However, the improved skills did not transfer to another new text. The students stated that the whole class choral reading was the most effective activity, while pair reading was the most difficult. In addition, the students all expressed positive attitudes with regard to the effects of the interactive reading aloud method as a whole, and all noted that they improved their word recognition and reading fluency. The study thus concluded that interactive reading aloud is useful for promoting students’ reading development, and some of the pedagogical implications of this work are also discussed for use by practitioners.


National Chung Cheng University, Chia-yi, Taiwan.
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