  • 學位論文


Applying Serious Leisure Theory to Explore the Experiences of Male Religion Volunteers

指導教授 : 王維旎


本研究以Stebbins(1982)所提出之深度休閒理論為基礎,以善緣會男性宗教志工為研究對象,探究他們參與志願服務動機、持續參與因素、服務經驗,以及個人蛻變內容。本研究研究目的如下: 一、了解男性宗教志工參與服務動機。 二、探究男性宗教志工持續參與因素。 三、探討男性宗教志工服務經驗。 四、分析男性宗教志工長期服務經驗對個人學習與成長之影響。 本研究採用質性研究,並以半結構式訪談的方式對善緣會九名男性宗教志工進行訪談,在資料分析的部分,則採用主題分析法,依循「整體-部分-整體」的循環架構進行。透過本研究的實施獲得以下 研究結論: 一、男性宗教志工參與志願服務之動機隨著服務時間的增加,由內在利己逐漸轉為外在利他。 二、影響男性宗教志工持續服務的因素,包括內在的感動和團隊凝聚力,以及外在服務他人的成就感。 三、男性宗教志工呈現勇於面對困境、強烈服務承諾與責任感、多元服務體驗、結合服務創造個人價值等深度休閒心理特質。 四、男性宗教志工的服務經驗呈現堅定信仰力量、促使志工建立團隊認同感之深度休閒社會互動特質。 五、能自我反思、對人同理包容接納,以及建立新的生活目標是觸發男性宗教志工蛻變成長主要原因。 六、具深度休閒特質之男性宗教志工較易被賦與領導者的角色,其共 同面臨的挑戰為如何讓同儕志工產生組織認同感。 七、善緣會男性宗教志工在服務參與、持續性,以及團隊認同感有別於一般團體志工。 關鍵字:男性宗教志工、深度休閒、志願服務


This study is based on serious leisure theory by Stebbins (1982). It explores the volunteer service motivation, continuing involvement factors, service experience and individual metamorphosis of male religion volunteers in Shan-Yuan Group. The purposes of this research are as follows: 1.To understand male religion volunteers’ motivation of involving in the service. 2.To explore why the male religious volunteers continue to participate in the service. 3.To explore the male religious volunteers’ experience in the service. 4.To analyze the influence of male religious volunteers’ long-term service experience on their individual learning and growth. This qualitative study interviews nine male religious volunteers in Shan-Yuan Group with semi-structured interviews, and takes thematic analysis with the "whole - part - whole" circular framework to analyze the data. Through the study, the following results have been concluded: 1.The motivation of male religious volunteers involving in volunteer service has risen with service time, turning internal self-interest into external altruism. 2.The factors of influencing male the religious volunteers continuing service include internal inspiration and team cohesion, as well as a sense of external satisfaction of service. 3.Male religious volunteers show psychological qualities about serious leisure, such as the courage to face difficulties, strong commitment and sense of responsibility, multi-service experience, and creating individual value combined with services. 4.Male religious volunteers with service experience show social interaction qualities about serious leisure, such as a firm belief, and the prompts of building team identity. 5.The main reasons of triggering male religious volunteers’ transformation are self-reflection, empathy, and the establishment of a new life goal. 6.Male religious volunteers with serious leisure traits are easier to be endowed with a leader, and their common challenge is how to make peer volunteers have organizational identification. 7.Male religious volunteers in Shan-Yuan Group are different from the ones in other groups in participation in the service, persistence, and team identity. Keywords: male religion volunteers, serious leisure, volunteer service




