  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 鍾憲瑞


台灣紡織業發展超過六十年,從早期進口原料生產加工,到近幾年成為機能性紡織品出口大國,產業發展的過往可以說是困難重重,然而仍有許多紡織業者逐漸的轉型、成長,無論是透過垂直整合,抑或透過研發技術提升,皆讓台灣紡織業一步一步的站上國際舞台。同時,紡織業也是台灣產業結構中相當完整的一個產業,從纖維製造、紡紗、織布、染整、成衣、服飾,各個環節皆有眾多廠商可以提供生產、服務。 垂直整合相關的概念從1937年由Coase首先提及,而後又有眾多學者提出垂直整合相關的理論文章,其中尤以策略大師Porter, M在1980年提出的競爭優勢一書中,最為人知,也最常被實務界拿來作為垂直整合的參考。即便垂直整合理論發展多年,但國內針對台灣紡織業進行的研究卻相對缺乏,故本研究以台灣紡織業為研究對象,並著重在台灣紡織業的垂直整合布局,以期待透過分析、歸納出台灣紡織業過往發展的路徑,以期待可供其他紡織業者,更甚至其他類似產業的企業作為未來發展的依據。本研究結果共發展五個命題,如下所列: 命題一:纖維製造業者,當為集團母公司,且有進行非相關多角化經營時,會以代理服飾品牌進入服飾品牌經營。 命題二:紡紗、織布製造業者,本身具備研發能力,且當客戶主要為國際品牌商時,多會透過B2B2C模式推廣自創技術品牌,以提高市場能見度。 命題三:台灣廠商在發展MIT自創服飾品牌時,多以設計含量低的基本款為主,在結合台灣小型成衣廠的方式進行生產。 命題四:當成衣製造業者已轉型ODM,且客戶主要為較無設計能力的通路商時,多以協同商務的方式,增加客戶的依賴性。 命題五:台灣廠商在發展MIT自創服飾品牌時,多以設計含量低的基本款為主,在結合台灣小型成衣廠的方式進行生產。 在時間因素之下,本論文共選擇十二篇個案公司,其中除了發展多年的紡織企業,亦有近十年來成績卓越的紡織企業,以期盡量表現台灣紡織業的全貌,並期望研究結果可以作為實務上企業進行垂直整合的參考依據。


紡織業 垂直整合 向前整合


The development of Taiwan's textile industry for over sixty years, from the early production and processing of imported raw materials, to the functional textile exports become a big country in recent years, the industrial development of the past is difficult, however, there are still many of the textile industry gradual transformation, growth, regardless of through vertical integration, or through the research and development of technology to enhance Taiwan's textile industry are step-by-step on the international stage. Meanwhile, the Taiwan's textile industry is also have complete industrial structure, from fiber manufacturing, spinning, weaving, dyeing and garment, clothing, all aspects have many companys can provide production services. Related to the concept of vertical integration from 1937 by Coase first mention, then, and many scholars have proposed theoretical articles related to vertical integration, in particular strategy guru Porter M in 1980, the competitive advantage, but also practitioners most commonly used as a reference of vertical integration. Even the development of vertical integration theory for many years, but has a relative lack of domestic research carried out for Taiwan's textile industry, it is Taiwan's textile industry as the research object of this study, and focuses on the vertical integration of Taiwan's textile industry layout, looking through analysis, summarized the textile industry in the past development path to look forward to other alternatives textile industry, more even other similar enterprises of the industry as a basis for future development. The results of this study of the development of the six propositions listed below: Proposition 1: The fiber manufacturing industry, when the Group's parent company, and unrelated diversification operating agent apparel brand into apparel brand management. Proposition two: spinning, weaving manufacturers themselves have R & D capabilities, technology and when customers are mainly international brands, and more will be promoted through a B2B2C model to create their own brand, in order to increase market visibility. Propositions: Taiwan manufacturers in the development of the MIT own clothing brand, multi-to low basic models designed content-based production, combined with a small garment factory in Taiwan. Proposition 4: When the garment industry has been transformed ODM, and customers the major for less design capabilities distributors, and more collaborative commerce, increase the dependence of the customers. Proposition: the Taiwan manufacturers in the development of the MIT own clothing brand, multi-to low basic models designed content-based production, combined with a small garment factory in Taiwan. Under the time factor, the papers were selected ten case company, which in addition to textile enterprises development for many years, also over the past decade of excellence textile enterprises, in order to try to show the whole picture of the textile industry in Taiwan, and expect the results can be used as reference for the enterprises in the practice of vertical integration.


1. 力鵬企業(股),2012,力麗企業股份有限公司一○○年報,力鵬企業(股)
2. 力麗企業(股),2012,力麗企業股份有限公司一○○年報,力麗企業(股)
3. 天下編輯,2012,製造業排名總表,天下雜誌496期
19. 林妤真,2007,紡織業全球運籌管理策略之研究,台南科大學報26期
33. 紡拓會,2012,2011年台灣紡織工業概況,紡拓會


