  • 學位論文

「善爸」甘休?「育爸」不能?- 與照顧若即若離的育嬰假爸爸

An Exploratory Study on Fathers' Use of Paid Parental Leave in Taiwan

指導教授 : 王舒芸


台灣自實施育嬰留職停薪以來,申請人數仍以女性為主,即使在2009年開始有六成薪的補助,照顧責任仍多由女性承擔。然而,在女性為主的請領對象中,一群請育嬰假的爸爸便顯得相當特殊,因此本研究希望透過了解這群育嬰假爸爸的請領動機與照顧模式,以做為未來促進男性參與照顧時的參考。請領動機 本研究採質性訪談九位請過或正在請育嬰假的爸爸,透過他們的親身經驗,以逐步編碼的方式得到本研究的兩大發現:首先「善爸」甘休,發現促使男性請育嬰假的五大因素「個人」、「家庭」、「社會環境」、「職業結構」以及「時機出現、問題浮現」,其實之間具有層級關係,因此導致部分父親是「想要請領」,有些則是「需要請領」,更有些父親是「不得不請領」。第二部分「育爸」不能,則點出育嬰假爸爸的育嬰生活擁有彈性的時間分配,同時在家務與照顧工作上也有較大的豁免權與協商權,即使請了育嬰假,仍然未能成為主要照顧者,反而把照顧變成一場接力賽,不再是自己一個人的事,而是隨時有人可以接手,一起完成的比賽。但即使如此,對多數爸爸來說,小孩仍是他們最甜蜜的負擔。 整體來說,傳統社會對性別角色的刻板印象仍緊緊鑲嵌於社會結構中,無形中箝制著個人的行為,本質上仍期待男性成為養家者,女性則為照顧者,也因此同樣的照顧工作,對不同的性別則有不同的標準。即使育嬰假爸爸做出了不同於當代多數男性的選擇,但在改變的同時,某部分的態度與行為仍隱含著傳統思維的運作模式。 最後,輔以受訪者的親身經驗,進一步檢視現行育嬰假政策與勞動市場結構的問題,包括時間長短、補助金額,勞動市場結構既存的不平等現象也應極力消除,同時加上媒體傳播的宣導與教育的影響,再加上制度的推波助瀾,讓未來不同性別在照顧與工作間可以取得更好的平衡。


The Parental Leave policy in Taiwan has been set up since 2002, and most of the applicants are still women. Even the parental leave allowance has been provided since 2009, the duty of care is still mostly undertaken by women. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to understand those fathers’, who take parental leave, motivation and the model of care. This study uses qualitative research and then interviews nine parental leave fathers through their own experiences finding two main points. First, there is a hierarchical relationship among the main five factors for taking parental leave, including “personal” , "family" , " social environment " , " occupational structure” and " timing appears and the emergence of the problem ." Those factors make some fathers “want to” take, others “need to” take, and the others “have to” take parental leave. Second, parental leave fathers are different from mothers who are often responsible for the same care work at home. Because fathers can use their time flexibly, they can also clearly separate care work and house work, which mothers need to take them all. For most parental leave fathers, caring for a child is just like a relay race, because they can easily pass the baton to the next person. In other words, parental leave fathers still fails to become the primary caregiver even they apply for parental leave. Overall, the traditional social stereotypes of gender roles are still firmly embedded in the social structure and they also shape personal behavior. So it has a great influence on expecting men to become the breadwinners and expecting women to become the caregivers. Finally, the study combines the personal experience with the current parental leave policies and labor market structure, finding that there is still room for us to improve the policies, including the length of parental leave, the amount of the allowance, and the pre-existing inequalities in the structure of the labor market. In addition, with the spread of the media and the function of the education, the different gender can achieve a better work-life balance in the future.


