  • 學位論文


Study on the Implication of China's Peaceful Rise: Perspective of the China Threat Theory and US Pacific Strategy

指導教授 : 陳亮智


中國自改革開放帶動中國整體崛起後,世界格局進入重大變化,不僅影響整個全球體系之間的權力變動,中國的國際地位也隨著日益的發展成為亞洲地區的強權國家。中國為其因應國際社會對於「中國威脅論」之探討,進而於2003年提出「和平崛起論」,而後2005年改以「和平發展」為概述,自中國和平發展後,中美兩國關係雖有走向「既競爭又合作」的態勢,但是美國在近年來全球戰略的東移,可以發現美國對於中國還是存有亦敵亦友的心態,也顯示美國的亞太戰略將會是美國國防的重大轉變。 對於中國快速的崛起,美國開始重新評估中國崛起的影響,使得亞太地區在美國全球戰略上更比以往日益重要,也迫使美國積極參與亞太地區事務。而美國在亞太地區的同盟國家也是美國奠定其亞太地位的重要基石,也在美國整體的全球戰略發揮其作用。一方面,能夠維護美國在亞洲的主導地位,另一方面,能夠防範中國崛起的威脅。未來挑戰美國霸權地位的不再是任何其他國家,而是來自於亞洲大國的中國。此外本論文除了探討中國是否和平崛起?並且觀察美國因應中國崛起所發展的戰略部屬是否能夠達到效用。


After China’s rise since the Reform and Open-up policy in 1978, the world situation has encountered a significant change, which not only influences the distribution of power in the international system, but also makes China become a powerful state in Asian region with its increasing development. To correspond to the discussion of 「China Threat Theory」in the international society, China has put forward「Peaceful Rise」in 2003, then changed it into「Peaceful Development」 thereafter in 2005. Ever since china adheres to peaceful development, the relationship between the U.S. and China is moving toward a trend of competition and cooperation. However, the U.S. puts its global strategy back to the east the last few years, still can see the U.S. regards China as a frienemy, which shows that the Asian-pacific strategy of the U.S. will be a great change in its national defense. With regard to China’s quick rise, the U.S. starts to reappraise the impact of china’s rise; therefore, the status of Asia-pacific region in the global strategies of the U.S. is getting more and more important. The U.S. is also forced to engage in Asian affairs more actively then before. The U.S.’s alliances in Asia-pacific region, which are the foundation in setting up its status in the Asia-pacific region, help the U.S. project its global strategies. The one hand, using the global strategies to maintain a United States dominance in Asia, on the other hand, through the strategies to prevent the threat of China's rise. In the future, China will be the major challenge to the U.S. The purpose of this dissertation is to discuss whether China is rising peacefully or not, and to observe that the strategies which are developed by the U.S. in response to China’s rise are carrying out likely or not.


