  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 阮金聲


展望世界趨勢,高科技瞬息萬變,中華電信推出電子化數位寬頻網路,開發寬頻上網之資訊服務,多年來繼續投入龐大的資本,建設光纖迴路,從有線弱電ADSL進化到以光纖系統的HiNet光世代,與國際接軌符合世界標準的網路。中華電信2012年7月升速降價,震撼台灣網路並帶動頻寬的高速發展,行銷執行HiNet光世代,除中華電信的行銷處投入員工之外,另委外人力公司加入陣營強力推銷,本研究先探討光世代網路行銷目標的設定,再觀察行銷策略的方法,從相關研究報告、網站資訊與報章雜誌等整理歸納有關資料作分析,並訪談中高階主管及蒐集資料進行分析比較,最後再就成效檢討行銷策略,將影響上網速率因素及其行銷策略的得失改善建議比較分析。 從研究結果發現,中華電信公司在推銷光世代網路不論在品質 價格、行銷、銷路、參與人員、硬體設施及管理方面,各環節皆盡其本分,因此業績獨占鰲頭。可預見HiNet光世代是中華電信公司營運的命脈,在自由競爭市場的寬頻網路,中華電信的光世代能持續領先群倫。


行銷策略 光世代


The global high-tech development evolves rapidly. Since Chunghwa Telecom presented the service of the digital broadband internet service, Chunghwa Telecom has kept developing and heavily investing in constructing the optical loop, and its subscriber line technology has evolved from the weak-cabled ADSL to the optical fiber transmission, so-called "HiNet Light Era," coping with the international standards. In July 2012, Chunghwa Telecom presented the strategy to lift up the transmission speed and cut the price. The move shook the market in Taiwan and accelerated the development of broadband internet service in Taiwan. HiNet Light Era, the main unit in charge of the marketing, is teamed up not only with the internal members from the company's marketing subdivisions but also with external staff from manpower companies. The study first concludes the marketing targets of HiNet Light Era with the literature from Chunghwa Telecom's official website and related press reports and analyses. Then, with the materials from the interviews of the company's middle/high-level executive officers, the marketing methods are observed and reported. Finally the marketing strategies will be examined with the marketing results, and also the analysis of the correlation between the factors to the transmission speed and the marketing strategies will be provided with a comparison. The findings indicate that the performance of HiNet Light Era is so satisfying with regard to all these aspects including the quality, the price, marketing, the channels, manpower, hardware equipment, and the management that the company could win out among the other competitors. It is also obvious that HiNet Light Era is playing a vital role in the operation of the company, which will allow the company to stay in lead in the free market of broadband internet service in Taiwan.


marketing strategy Light Era


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