  • 學位論文


Representations of Women as “the Other” in William Faulkner’s Four Short Stories

指導教授 : 林欣瑩


威廉•福克納(William Faulkner)為二十世紀美國著名文學家,其作品多為描述十九世紀美國南方社會,故事內容多發生在約克納帕塔法縣(Yoknapatawpha County)。本論文旨在透過西蒙.波娃(Simone de Beauvoir)在《第二性》(The Second Sex)中所提出的女性在父權體制下為「他者」(“the Other”)的概念,並從性別深受社會文化以及心理層面影響的兩個觀點來探討威廉.福克納四則短篇故事中,美國南方女性的不平等社會地位,以及在父權社會下所遭受的壓迫。 全文共分為四章節。引言介紹威廉.福克納的生平及其作品特色及西蒙.波娃的女性主義中「他者」的概念,以期作為此論文的研究動機。第一章著眼於解析<獻給愛米麗的一朵玫瑰>(“A Rose for Emily”)故事中之未婚女性不平等的社會處境;第二章著重於解析<乾旱的九月>(“Dry September”)故事中之女主角被動地接納女性為物化價值後所產生之自戀心理狀態;第三章從女性生理和種族的層面來解析<夕陽>(“That Evening Sun”)故事中之黑人女性在白人父權社會下的恐懼、痛苦與無奈;第四章主要探討<曾有過這樣一位女王>(“There Was a Queen”)故事中之已婚女性周旋於家庭責任與個人自由之間。所有章節透過分析人物角色及情節,來闡明福克納短篇小說中女性角色在美國南方社會的地位,並探討不同處境的女性如何以不同方式因應美國南方思想習俗的禁錮與壓制。


My thesis aims to interpret William Faulkner’s four short stories in terms of feminism to examine women’s inferior social positions, and to investigate how women are characterized as “the Other” in a male-dominated social system in the American South.I will analyze four of Faulkner’s outstanding short stories— “A Rose for Emily,” “Dry September,”“That Evening Sun,” and “There Was a Queen”— with Simone de Beauvoir’s (1908-1986) feminist conceptdiscussed in The Second Sex (1949).Simone de Beauvoir in The Second Sexpresents a detailedstudy on women’s unequal situation and treatmentin thepatriarchal societywith her claim that “ONE is not born, but rather becomes, a woman”(267). The Introduction of my thesis reveals a general cultural and historical background of theearly nineteenth century American Southern society and a brief account of feminist concepts.Body chapters respectively begin with the summary and analysis of “A Rose for Emily,”“Dry September,”“That Evening Sun,”and“There Was a Queen.”In each chapter, I will analyze how Faulkner portraysfemale characters’subordinationto men’s power and prestige, and how these female characters can bedefined as “the Other” bybiological, cultural, and psychologicalperspectives. Finally, I will conclude with Simon de Beauvoir’s feminist concept of women as “the Other.”


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