  • 學位論文


A Talk About Relationship Between Cyberpower and National Security : A case on the Urumqi 7-5 incident of Xinjiang, China

指導教授 : 陳亮智


在資訊科技發展引領之下,國家安全研究議題則更擴大到資訊、經濟、文化、社會、科技等綜合安全領域,無主及開放的「網際網路空間」(Cyberspace)所建構的共有知識或期望(shared knowledge or expectation)將牽涉真實社會互動行為 ,藉由學者Tim Jordon提出的「網際權力」(Cyberpower)概念,說明個人主體可透由網際虛擬空間,藉由化身想像認同及虛擬社群組織行為,建構具統治形式的網際權力,探究網際權力運作及實踐,並以中國「新疆七.五事件」,檢視網路虛擬空間行為如何連結影響現實社會,並討論面對網路安全威脅隱憂,中國政府網路治理執行效能及挑戰。 網際權力是進而複製現實社會經濟、文化及政治權力加以論述變化而成,間接影響現實社會行為及秩序已成不爭的事實,網路空間特有的文化及政治力量,對現實離線社會是助力或阻力,則取決於資訊正確性及運用情形;另個人可運用網路能夠輕易跨越國家之間的疆域限制進行溝通,民族國家地理疆界變得模糊,國家對內外事務難以採取封閉和限制的傳統措施,國家政治的權力使用方式相應地發生一定程度的變化,因此各國除發揮傳統權力資源優勢時,更持重在文化、經濟和科技領域的影響和維護層面上。


Leading by the information technology, the national security research expands further to the complex security field of information, economy, culture, society and technology. The open and uninhibited cyberspace constructs a shared knowledge or expectation which will result in the reality of social interaction. The concept of cyberpower proposed by scholar, Tim Jordon, illustrates that a person can personify its self-identity and to simulate social group behavior through the virtual space on the internet, so as to build a ruling format on cyberpower. My thesis is to study the operations and practices of cyberpower and exampled the so-called " the Urumqi 7-5 incident of Xinjiang ” occurred in China, in order to inspect how internet virtual space connects and affects the social reality and to discuss the ability and challenge of China to confront the threat on internet security. Cyberpower, a product of the economy of social reality, culture and political authority has indirect influences on social reality and the order. Whether the uniqueness of culture and political power of cyber space are a help or an obstacle for virtual society, it will depend on the accuracy of information and the way been used. On the other hand, a person can easily use internet to cross the barrier between countries which blurred international borderlines. Hence the traditional precautions of dealing with national affairs must be amended to cope with the situation nowadays. Therefore, besides developing the superiorities of its own traditional power resources, each country should focus as well on the fields of culture, economy and technology


侍建宇、傅仁坤,烏魯木齊七五事件與當代中國治理新疆成效分析,遠景基金會季刊,第11卷第4期(2010 年10 月),頁167-177。
中華人民共和國國務院新聞辦公室網站,「中國互聯網狀況白皮書」,2010 年 6 月,網址:http://www.scio.gov.cn/。最後瀏覽日期:2012年7月1日。
彭慧鸞,「資訊時代國際關係理論與實務之研究」,問題與研究,第39卷第5期(民國89年5 月),頁3、31-32。
