  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of "The Art of War" and "On War"

指導教授 : 林泰和


《孫子兵法》與《戰爭論》比較研究 摘要   世界在不停的變動著,科技的進步,讓人類對自然環境的控制更為精密,世界人口數量因此得以突破70億大關。   在人口持續暴增的情況下,環境的壓力在增加,人與人之間、國與國之間的衝突也在增加,戰爭從未在世界上消失過。   許多兵法、軍事理論,曾經是經典,指導著人類如何有效、快速的預防戰爭或制止戰爭。而如今隨著科技與環境的演變,多數的理論已經喪失了對世界戰爭的指導價值。然而戰爭仍在持續,戰爭的方式仍在演進,戰場上的死傷依舊慘烈。根據海德堡國際衝突研究所統計,2012年全球戰爭數量有所減少,但被列入「有限戰爭」等級的衝突數量有所增加。世界在這數十年來並沒有因為武器科技的飛速進步而變得更加和平。   本文藉由比較孫子與克勞塞維茨的軍事理論,試圖探尋產生這些軍事理論背後的深刻哲理與規則,希望藉此為建構足以指導當代甚至未來戰爭的新的軍事理論經典起到催生的作用!   這個世界在過去曾經因為一個信念、一本書、一個人而改變。作者堅信,未來的世界即便難以預測,但和平的希望仍然存在於人類的智慧之中,而這正是本文所積極探索的事物。


軍事 戰爭論 克勞塞維茨 孫子兵法 孫子


A Comparative Study of "The Art of War" and "On War" Abstract   The world in constant change. The progress of science and technology, that made human control the natural environment more precisely. The number of the world's population was able to break through the 70 million mark.   Many art of war, military theory, once the classic guide how humans effectively and quickly to prevent war or to stop the war. Today, with the evolution of technology and the environment, the majority of the theoretical loss of the guiding value of world war. However, the war continues, the war is still evolving, still tragic casualties on the battlefield.   According to Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research's statistics, in 2012 the number of wars has decreased, but the level of "limited war" was included in the number of conflicts increase. The world in the past few decades, which hadn't become more peaceful by the rapid progress of weapons technology.   By compare Sun Tzu and Clausewitz's military theories, this paper attempts to explore the profound philosophy and rules behind these military theory, hoping to construct enough to direct the contemporary and even future wars new military theory classic!   The world has ever changed because of a belief, a book, and a person. The authors firmly believe that the future of the world is even difficult to predict, but the hope for peace still exists in human wisdom, which is what this article actively explore things.


On War Clausewitz The Art of War Sun Tzu military


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雷納圖斯(Flavius Vegetius Renatus),袁堅譯,兵法簡述(北京:解放軍出版社,1997)。
B. H. Liddell Hart,The Ghost of Napoleon (Yale University, New Haven, 1934)
