  • 學位論文


The Study of formation from Cultural Values and Intimate Violence.

指導教授 : 邱獻輝


摘 要 本研究以華人文化觀點切入,探究親密暴力加害者個人生命經驗中,文化價值與婚姻互動對於親密暴行中的意涵。本研究採用質性研究方法,邀請三位在監服刑親密暴力加害者接受訪談,再以訪談逐字稿做為文本,進行主題分析,闡述親密暴力所置身的文化脈絡及其對親密暴力的機制作用。親密暴力者有不同的類型,鑒於本研究參與者皆具有反社會特徵,因此可從反社會型親密暴力者的視野出發,進一步探究其心理發展與親密暴行的機制。本研究參與者皆於不健全環境中成長,其原生家庭習於「男性一家之主」、「男人為家庭決策中心」、「女性順從」、「嫁雞隨雞、嫁狗隨狗」價值觀,且其自幼目睹父母暴力,因此認為夫妻間爭吵及暴力是正常,並且秉持「男性優越」、「女人依附男人生活」、「妻子外人角色」、「孝親敬祖」、「維護男性面子」等信念。值得注意的是其中一名受訪者雖然秉持「獨立自顧」、「彼此尊重」現代化價值,但是面臨夫妻衝突時,其內在傳統價值隨即浮上抬面上,暗示文化變遷可能對親密暴力具有某些的促發作用。 此外,本研究也發現經濟問題、權力遭太太奪取而讓其失去男人面子、大男人主義作祟、外遇問題等等,都可能讓本研究參與者對伴侶施暴。在此過程中,三位一開始都會先採取壓抑、忍耐的方式來面對婚姻問題,但最終卻都因為妻子行為促其感到失去男性面子,因而無法抑制心中的怒氣,而爆發非理性的暴行;受訪者事後省思自己在親密暴行過程中的壓力因應,覺察到自己當初若能尋求專業資源的協助,紓解心中的壓力,或許可避免自己的親密暴行與無可挽回的悲劇。 本研究也根據研究結果對現行政策及實務工作提出建議:一、家庭教育宜落實兩性平權觀點;二、加強男性心理衛生教育與宣導;三、納入多元文化觀點,打破傳統兩性分工模式;四、提升個人情緒及壓力管理;五、增進夫妻溝通及擴展諮商輔導管道。 關鍵字:文化價值觀;反社會性者;生命故事;親密暴力


Abstract From the perspective of Chinese culture, this study explores the indication of cultural values and marital interaction on intimate violence in the personal life experience of intimate violence perpetrators. In this study, the qualitative research method is adopted. The author interviews three perpetrators of intimate violence in prison, conducts thematic analysis based on the interview scripts and clarifies the cultural context of intimate violence as well as its mechanism effect on intimate violence. There are different types of intimate violence perpetrators. In view of the interviewees’ antisocial characteristics in this study, the psychological development and the mechanism of intimate violence could be further explored from the type of antisocial intimate violence. All interviewees in this study grow up in an unsound environment, in which, the family of origin conveys such values as “the male as the head of the family", "men as the core decision-makers of the family", “female obedience" and "women following their husbands’ lot and position". Moreover, as they witnessed marital violence since their childhood, they take the quarrel and violence between couple for granted, and uphold such beliefs as "male superiority", "women depend on men”, “wife as an outsider’s role”, "filial piety and ancestral worship", "saving men’s face”, and so on. It is noteworthy that although one of the interviewees upholds modern values such as "independence and self-support" and "mutual respect", his inherent traditional values come up immediately in face of marital conflict, suggesting that cultural change may trigger intimate violence to some extent. In addition, it is found in this study that problems such as men losing face due to economic problems or being controlled by wife, masculinity and illegal love affair may result in the participants’ violence to their wives. In this process, they first of all held a repressed and tolerant attitude toward marital problems, but later they failed to suppress their anger and ended up inflict irrational violence after losing face over their wives’ actions. The interviewees later reflected themselves that they inflicted intimate violence due to stress, realizing that if they had sought assistance from professional resources to relieve the pressure in mind, the intimate violence and the irreparable tragedy may have been avoided. Based on the research results, the following suggestions are proposed for existing policies and practices: firstly, to carry out gender right equality in family education; secondly, to strengthen male mental health education and advocacy; third, to introduce the view of diverse culture and break the traditional division of labor between two genders; fourthly, to enhance individual emotion and stress management; fifthly, to improve marital communication and counseling and mentoring channels. Keywords: cultural values; antisocial persons; life story; intimate violence


