  • 學位論文


The Influence of Price Gap and Quality Gap on Consumer's Purchase Intention for Private Label of Retailers

指導教授 : 蘇宏仁


根據政府機關統計資料顯示,由於近年來全球大環境的不景氣,民眾可支配所得成長幅度有限,亦即代表消費者的購買能力亦大受影響。此時,屬於市場上通路末端的廠商察覺到低價產品的商機,紛紛藉由自身通路優勢,順勢推出自有品牌商品,主打平價超值,希望藉此差異特色與國際品牌競爭。   由於國際品牌擁有較高的知名度與品質,但同時意味著高價,此一現象將使消費者產生高價等於高品質的知覺;反觀自有品牌,透過低價策略,雖然有可能提高價格敏感度高的消費者購買意願,但也會讓消費者有品質上的疑慮。為此,本研究將探討價格差距、品質差距是否真會對消費者的購買意願產生顯著影響。其中,品質方面除了商品本身內外的判定,亦加入知覺品質的構面進行探討,進一步了解消費者對品質的態度為何,並從中得知消費者對自有品牌購買意願的消長。   本研究透過國內零售業龍頭7-ELEVEn的自有品牌做為研究對象,並以產品別作為干擾變數,分別選定冷凍食品與日用品作為研究標的,加上兩大自變數:價格差距與品質差距的情境組合,以了解在各情境中,消費者對自有商品購買意願的高低。透過具有購買經驗的消費者為施測對象,以彰顯本研究成果之代表性與準確性。   研究結果顯示,消費者對自有品牌的購買意願確實會受到價格與品質交互的影響,在與國際品牌有較高的價格差距情境中,購買意願最為強烈,而品質差距則會因產品別的不同而有所差異。最後,分別就研究結果提出規劃促銷活動、提升產品品質、建立品牌權益,以期未來得以提升知覺品質與購買意願。


According to the statistic data from government, nationals’ deposit income get into a limited growth because of the economic depression. It also affect people’s purchase ability. Thus, retailers and wholesalers will catch the business to release their own low-price but value private label products.  Even the national brand have higher visibility and quality, it also means higher price. In the contrast, private label products can attract consumer’s attention by its lower price, whether the product have good quality is another thing must be considered. This research will use experimental design method to find how price gap and quality gap affect consumer’s purchase intention for private label. In the research, quality is not only indicating product’s extrinsic and intrinsic cues, but add perceive quality dimension, expecting to know the consumer’s attitude of quality and purchase intention.  The research choose 7-ELEVEn’s private label as the research object, the top one retailer in Taiwan. The research select two kinds or categories as moderators variable, includes frozen food and daily necessities, then place into four scenarios combined with price gap and quality gap. The research will choose consumers who have consuming experience in 7-ELEVEn as sample to make this research representative.  According to the research result, consumer’s purchase intension for private label will affected by the interaction between price and quality, in the higher price gap and low quality gap can get the strongest effect. Finally, the research will give an advice on plan promotion activity, improving quality, build brand equity to enhance intention.


