  • 學位論文

民間投資與公共建設 以阿里山鐵道三合一案為例

Private investment and public construction, the case of Alishan railway three-in-one project.

指導教授 : 蔡榮祥


論 文 摘 要 隨著全球化現象的腳步快速發展,經濟自由化與社會多元化已成為普世價值。受到外部環境變遷及內部管理不善的問題,公營事業已逐漸失去往日的風采,1980年之後,公營事業移轉民營的政策,成為各國施政的重點,都期望藉由BOT的模式帶來民間的創意,BOT模式指的是政府工程由民間出資興建,在一定營運期間後交還政府;一方面政府可以減少稅收的支出,減輕政府財政負擔,另一方面也可以藉由民間企業高效率來減少相關費用的支出。 夲論文主要在討論在2008年間喧騰一時的阿里山BOT案,此案係以阿里山森林鐵路及沿線各場站的委託經營OT案為主,嘉義市北門車站興建阿里山森林鐵路車站多功能轉運中心,及阿里山森林遊樂區內沼平車站旁興建208間國際五星級觀光大飯店為輔;阿里山森林鐵路係台灣重要之國寶級文化資產,亦為世界著名高山鐵路之一。惟因運量低、速度慢,設施老舊,復因阿里山公路自1982年通車以來,由於公路運輸便捷價廉,致使阿里山森林鐵路營運長期處於虧損狀態,故自1988年臺灣省政府時期起即有開放民營之議。嗣因2003年3月1日阿里山車站至神木間發生日阿里山小火車翻覆,共造成17人死亡,156人受傷。迫使民營化的提早到來。但是長達33年的委託營運契約卻在連續不斷的天災人禍下不到兩年就結束,究竟是人為因素還是大自然的力量? 本研究從阿里山森林鐵路的誕生,經過日治時期到台灣光復,從林務局到民營化最後又回歸到國營事業;鐵路的營運則是從以伐木為主的產業鐵道,轉型為以載客為主的觀光鐵道。在整個民營化的過程中產生相當多的爭議,筆者從各個面向深入探討,期能為阿里山森林鐵路找出屬於自己的康莊大道。 關鍵字:BOT、阿里山森林鐵路、民營化


民營化 阿里山森林鐵路 BOT


Abstract As the government with financial risks and also the liberalization of economy have become an universal value, the BOT is one of the projects in relaxing the finance of government and it can improve the private investment as well. Build–operate–transfer (BOT) is a form of project financing, wherein a private entity receives a concession from the private or public sector to finance, design, construct, and operate a facility stated in the concession contract. This enables the project proponent to recover its investment, operating and maintenance expenses in the project. The Alishan National Scenic Area is a mountain resort and natural preserve located in the mountains of Chiayi County in Taiwan. It includes, among other things, mountain wilderness, four villages, waterfalls, high altitude tea plantations, the Alishan Forest Railway and several hiking trails. The area is also famous for its production of high mountain tea and wasabi as well known for its sunrises, and on a suitable morning one can observe the sun come up on a sea of clouds in the area between Alishan and Yüshan. Examples of this study using BOT is three-in-one project of the Alishan railway, the contract for the "Alishan three-in-one BOT Project" was signed back in June of 2006. Management of the Alishan Forest Railway was formally transferred in June of 2008. The management transferee, Hungtu Alishan, is a newcomer, and there have been all kinds of problems. Some say that Alishan has been "sold on the cheap," while some members of the Control Yuan think that the whole process has been slipshod. But the important questions are: Has the BOT idea been a boon for Alishan? Or a disaster? And what will happen now? Since going the BOT route, the problem-ridden forest railway and recreation area are now at a critical crossroads. We can only watch and wait to see what happens, and hope that the relevant agencies will get the best advice they can to get this project back on the right track, so the government, the company, and the people all come up winners! Keywords:BOT、Alishan Forest Railway、Privatization


Privatization Alishan Forest Railway BOT


濟研究月刊,第 25卷第 5期。
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