  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳文吟


隨著電腦科技不斷進步、網際網路使用普及化,不僅使得訊息傳遞或資訊搜尋更為快捷便利外,同時透過網際網路所進行之商業活動亦蓬勃發展,使得商業方法之保護議題日益受到重視。自西元1998 年State Street 案美國打開商業方法專利大門,在相關之專利申請數量快速增加下,衍生之爭議也隨之而來,最大問題莫過於專利品質不良、專利訴訟氾濫等情形,基於這些問題存在之下,美國聯邦巡迴上訴法院於In re Bilski 案中,表示不再適用State Street 案所建立「實用、具體、有形結果測試法」,而採行較嚴格之機器或轉換測試法,似乎有意限縮解釋之立場,嗣美國聯邦最高法院判決則回歸以是否屬於抽象概念為判斷,終以該申請案係屬抽象概念而予以駁回申請,是以足使我們重新思考商業方法電腦軟體是否可專利性之爭議。 反觀我國專利制度,依經濟部智慧財產局所頒佈之電腦軟體相關專利審查基準,已明文規範單純之商業方法非專利保護之客體,並將商業方法限縮與電腦軟體技術相結合,故我國審酌商業方法電腦軟體專利申請案之專利性時,其審理重點係於可專利要件之判斷,此部分規範則與美國專利法制度相異。本文最後以美國所採行之測試法標準與我國現行專利法中就商業方法電腦軟體之保護制度加以審酌優缺點,並認為我國規範方式雖於「保護客體」類型上看似極為限縮,惟此種方式對於存有瑕疵或劣質專利設下第一道過濾關卡,有效大幅減少不適宜之申請案,能使審查人員專注於實質專利要件之審查上,再者,從美國實務相關案件審查結果觀之,美國商標暨專利局與法院間、上下級法院間就專利保護客體審查標準認定常存有不同見解,致原已取得許可之專利嗣經法院撤銷等情,故本文以為我國不宜逕採美國之標準。


Along with advances in computer technology, the popularity of using internet is growing; e-commerce activity and platform are also flourishing. Hence people paid attention to the issue of protecting business method. It has been well established that business method can be patented in the United States since Federal Circuit of Court of Appeals (CAFC) confirmed the validity of business method computer patent in 1998.While the number of business-method software patent applications increased rapidly,the quality control of patent failed. Considering those problems, CAFC indicated that it was unwilling to adopt ‘‘a useful, concrete and tangible result’’ test, however, it establishes new “Machine-or-Transformation Test” in In re Bilski case, which seems the court intended to narrow or limit patent protection. In view of court’s opinion changed,let us reconsider the dispute of patentability of business-method software. On the other hand, according to the examination of computer software-related inventions established by the Intellectual Property Office, R.O.C., pure business methods of doing business shall be deemed as failing to conform to the definition of invention owing to the fact that they fail to utilize the laws of nature. On the contrary, a method of doing business by using computer software- related technology may not be deemed as failing to conform to the definition of invention, simply because computer software-related technology is applied to business. The mentioned standard is different from the US regulation.Eventually, the advantages and disadvantages of business-method software patent-related regulations in the R.O.C and the US are compared,and the suitability are pointed out in the thesis.


15.郭宏杉,後Bilski方法專利之發展--CyberSource Corp. v. Retail Decision Inc.之評析,萬
16.陳龍昇,由美國Bilski v. Kappos案探討商業方法發明之專利適格性,臺北大學法學論叢,第84期,第
