  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 蘇宏仁教授 何雍慶教授


在全球服務經濟時代來臨的時刻,了解與服務業相關的議題,有其必要性。企業成功的關鍵是培養忠誠的顧客。許多與顧客忠誠相關的研究,是聚焦在實體產品。然而,研究對實體產品忠誠的結果,可能無法完全的適用到服務忠誠。因此,本研究的目的是了解服務忠誠的建立途徑。 服務品質是服務行銷與管理領域的重要議題。顧客對服務品質的認知,會間接影響顧客忠誠的建立。傳統上,多認為服務品質需透過顧客滿意的中介作用,方能影響顧客忠誠。然而,企業對高漲的顧客滿意,越來越難以達成;本研究透過文獻回顧,提出以「顧客-公司認同」替代顧客滿意,探討服務品質、顧客-公司認同和顧客忠誠的關聯。同時,有鑑於消費者愈趨將社會以及環境的考量納入消費決策,造成企業社會責任愈受到重視,並且過往研究結果顯示,執行企業社會責任活動的公司享有企業社會責任活動帶來的利益,例如正向的顧客評價,因而也將企業社會責任活動認知納入研究架構,形成本研究的主體-服務忠誠模式,並發展出相關假設。 本研究以連鎖餐飲服務業為研究範圍,進行質化與量化研究;藉由質化研究確認量化研究的架構與假設。量化研究的結果顯示,企業社會責任活動認知,對顧客-公司認同和服務品質具有顯著的影響,並且顧客-公司認同和服務品質會正向影響顧客忠誠的建立。而顧客-公司認同也是企業社會責任活動認知和顧客忠誠以及服務品質和顧客忠誠的中介變項。服務品質也會正向影響顧客-公司認同,更是企業社會責任活動認知和顧客-公司認同關係的調節變項,服務品質也是企業社會責任活動認知和顧客忠誠的中介變項。最後,本研究相關貢獻與後續建議,也一併討論。


The purpose of the study is to understand the path of developing service loyalty. Many researchers propose customer loyalty is the key of successful service business. However, prior researches focus most on tangible product loyalty whose outcomes may not be well generalized to service loyalty. Traditionally, the path from service quality (SQ) to loyalty is mediated by customer satisfaction. Since increasingly difficult to achieve customer satisfaction, it is essential to find alternative ways to raise customer loyalty. The study proposes a new path from SQ and customer-company identification to service loyalty. Meanwhile, as more attention on possible benefits from corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, the study incorporates CSR with SQ, customer-company identification and service loyalty to frame a new model of service loyalty. The research sample selected from customers of chained restaurants. A qualitative and a quantitative research are implemented. The mediation effects of customer-company identification along with the path from perception of CSR initiatives to customer loyalty and the path form SQ to customer loyalty are verified. Besides, SQ moderates the effect of perception of CSR initiatives on customer-company identification and plays a mediating role along with the path from perception of CSR initiatives to customer loyalty. Contributions of the study are theoretically incorporating perception of CSR initiatives which is full of contemporary core construct of seeking human value, into original service loyalty with SQ. In practice, customer loyalty is more thoroughly comprehended, which helps managers adopt correct strategies to cultivate loyal customers in order to achieve the goal of long-term profitability. Limitations and suggestions for future research are illustrated lastly.


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