  • 學位論文


The inhibiting effects of resistance: a status quo bias perspective

指導教授 : 張怡秋


2012年7月,台灣建立了一套跨組織運作的系統,預計用以協助身心障礙鑑定之進行。經過了將近一年的使用,仍然有許多問題產生。回顧文獻,系統導入時最大的障礙之一為抗拒改變,因此,本研究將藉由新制身心障礙系統的推行了解抗拒改變的成因以及其所帶來之影響。 引起抗拒的原因很多,本研究藉由現狀偏誤理論將影響抗拒改變的成因分成認知失誤,理性決策以及心理承諾,並利用感受價值、同儕建議、轉移成本、不確定成本以及自我效能描述之。抗拒改變所造成的影響則是藉由科技接受模式探討之。本研究將抗拒假設為使用意圖之抑制因子,除直接關係外,亦會透過認知有用性以及認知易用性抑制之。 本研究採問卷調查法,問卷透過文獻回顧並參考實際情況建置。研究樣本為身心障礙資訊系統使用者,來自於全台灣206間鑑定醫院以及22個地方政府。問卷透過兩種方式發放:1.利用地方衛生局將問卷轉至鑑定依原再由鑑定醫院操作人員填寫;2.系統訓練課程中發放。調查時間為三週,有效問卷合計回收252份。資料分析方法則採用結構方程式之路徑分析,以了解各構面之關係。 樣本結構以女性居多,多有大學以上之學歷並分布於25-34歲,工作地點以醫院居多。研究結果顯示抗拒改變的成因中,交換成本(包含轉移成本、不確定成本),同儕建議以及自我效能對抗拒改變有所影響,其中交換成本以及自我效能為正向關係,同儕建議為負向關係。而感受價值在本研究中對抗拒改變則無顯著影響。此外,本研究就亦證實了抗拒改變對認知有用性有明顯的影響,對認知易用性則無。研究結果將可提供實務界減低抗拒改變,減少系統導入失敗之機會。


A Disability Determination System (DDS) was implemented in Taiwan to assist the disability determination process in July, 2012. After one year of implementation, it was discovered that one of the major challenges facing the system was user resistance. Information systems implementation projects have historically been plagued by failures for which user resistance has consistently been identified as a salient reason. Due to the negative impacts of resistance to change (RTC) on the implementations of information system and the limited studies that investigated the theoretical bases, we aim to explore and investigate the causes and impacts of RTC. Based on the literature review, the reasons of RTC in our study can be explained by the quo bias theory (SQB), which is described in terms of three main categories: rational decision making, cognitive misperceptions, and psychological commitment. The measurement of SQB consists of 5 constructs: Perceived value, Favorable Colleague Opinion, Self-efficacy for Change, Transitions cost and Uncertainty cost. The inhibiting effects of RTC were discussed based on Technology Acceptation Model (TAM). The data were collected through questionnaires developed based on literature review. The participants included individuals who used DDS in the disability determination field. The questionnaires were distributed to 206 hospitals and 22 local government departments through two methods, the internet-based questionnaires and the paper questionnaires. Path analysis for testing the hypotheses was conducted by structural equation modeling (SEM) multivariate analysis technique. A total of 252 valid questionnaires were collected in three weeks. Of all the participants, 79.8% were female, 57% were between 25 to 34 years of age, 64.9% held a Bachelor degree, and 67.8% worked in the hospitals. The Path analysis results of this research showed that Self-Efficacy for Change, Switching Cost and Favorable Colleague Opinion result in a significant effect on RTC, among which, Self-Efficacy for Change and Switching Cost presented a positive correlation while Favorable Colleague Opinion presented a negative correlation. On the other hand, RTC could only affect Perceived Usefulness not Perceived Ease of Use. The study results provided additional information to reduce Switching Cost and increase positive Favorable Colleague Opinion to achieve the goal of RTC reduction. Future researchers interested in RTC study may take this research as basis to explore RTC, or strengthen the deficiencies of this research.


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