  • 學位論文


International Education Curriculum Leadership of a private high school principal

指導教授 : 蔡清田


本研究緣於對今日臺灣中學校長課程領導素養培育的省察,發現校長進行國際教育課程領導對於課程領導素養具有反省、精進與轉化的價值,而且校長進行國際教育課程領導能夠突顯角色任務研究的獨特性及研究的創發性,故而探究校長課程領導與素養的各種觀點、彼此間的依存關係以及角色任務;探究國際教育課程發展的理念脈絡、政策運作與行動方案,運用質性研究對校長進行國際教育課程領導的角色任務進行探究,也探索校長進行國際教育課程領導和校長課程領導素養,釐清二者之間的關係,並省思對校長培育的實務蘊義。 依據研究發現,研究結論有以下五項: 壹、校長進行國際教育課程領導的優劣勢情境 貳、校長進行雙語與海外夥伴關係課程領導的素養與角色任務實踐 参、校長進行短期留學營課程領導的素養與角色任務實踐 肆、校長進行國際參訪交流課程領導的素養與角色任務實踐 伍、國際教育課程領導角色任務實踐與素養動態交互作用的主軸 對於未來研究的建議是朝二個方向進行: 壹、對於今日校長培育實務的啟示 一、以課程領導「內隱的」素養建構角色任務實踐的概念藍圖 二、角色任務實踐與課程領導素養的展現是國際教育課程領導的一體兩面 貳、其它不同層面角色任務和優劣勢 將教育、象徵、文化、人際和技術等此五項領導力型態,區分為其他類型進行實徵研究;進行不論有無優勢、有無發展主軸、和幾個實踐面向等所有學校均加以具體研究;持續地充實與開發校長國際教育課程領導的角色任務和課程領導的素養,發展使校長願意終生學習的機制。


A Study on the Curriculum Leadership of the International Education by a Private High School Principal Ai Yi Chen Graduate Institute of Curriculum Studies National Chung Cheng University Abstract The main purpose of this study is to investigate not only the high school principal’s competence, role, aspect, and relation in the curriculum leadership of the international education but also theory, policy, and action in the international education curriculum development. The qualitative research is utilized to explore the principal’s competence and role in the curriculum leadership of the international education. The major findings are following: 1. The principal has some strengths and weaknesses to do the curriculum leadership of the international education. 2. The principal has some competence and role practice to do the curriculum leadership of the bilingual and the overseas partnership. 3. The principal has some competence and role practice to do the curriculum leadership of the short-term studying abroad camp. 4. The principal has some competence and role practice to do the curriculum leadership of the international exchanging visit. 5. The axis of the dynamic interaction is between the competence and the role practice in the curriculum leadership of the international education. The research suggestions are following: 1. The inspiration is for today’s principal to cultivate. (1) The blueprint of the role practice is constructed by “the implicit competence” of the curriculum leadership. (2) There are two sides that are the competence and the role practice in the curriculum leadership of the international education. 2. The role, the strengths, and the weaknesses are in the different level. To do empirical research with the five types of the leadership: education, symbolism, cultural, interpersonal, and technical. To do research whatever the advantage, the developmental axis, or the practical side, etc. Construct the mechanism to encourage the principal to do lifelong learning. Keywords: International Education Curriculum Development, Curriculum Leadership, Curriculum Leadership Competence


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