  • 學位論文


A Study on the Factors of Affecting Continuance Intention in Using Health Information with Micro-Blogging--Take Facebook for Example

指導教授 : 黃維民


一般大眾使用於網路在日常生活搜尋資訊及瀏覽資料已相當普及,並且利用網路搜尋醫療健康資訊相關資訊也佔有相當比例的存在。因此,本研究以健康資訊分享為例,本研究主要架構以的期望確認模式 (Expectation Confirmation Theory)為主架構,用來探討有關健康資訊微網誌持續使用之研究,並且整合健康信念模式之「自覺疾病威脅」、「社會影響」兩變數用來探討健康行為動機研究。另外,加入「信任」為本研究所探討因素,以及基於網路服務特性加入兩個情感因素:「熟悉度」、「親切度」,做為研究微網誌使用者持續使用健康資訊微網誌之意圖。 本研究採用結構式問卷設計,最後回收問卷為298份,踢除不符合規定者,有效問卷為195份,問卷有效回收率65.4%。在資料分析與處理上,將以SPSS 17.0 與 SmartPLS 2.0 統計分析軟體進行問卷之統計分析。研究結果顯示,確認過後的期望的影響程度,透過認知有用性、熟悉度、親密度遠大於滿意度帶來持續使用的影響;另外,自覺罹患性、自覺嚴重性及社會影響透過確認後,再經由認知有用性、熟悉度或親密度影響持續使用意圖;而信任則會直接影響持續使用意圖。本研究歸納出本身自覺疾病威脅的使用者、對於網路平台較為熟悉及親密的使用者,以及認為健康資訊微網誌平台所給的健康相關資訊是有用的使用者,是可能會持續使用健康資訊微網誌。


The general public using Internet in their daily lives to search of health-related information has been quite popular, and is also the presence of a considerable proportion. Therefore, this study expects to explain and predict the micro-blogging of health information and continuance use by the framework of expectation confirmation theory to join health belief model of perceived threat and social affect, and that we can assess correctly the impact of key factors. In addition, Adding belief as factors under study, as well as web-based service features added two emotional factors: familiarity and intimacy. The study uses the structure questionnaire procedure. A total of 298 questionnaires were administered to users and 195 (65.4%) completed the questionnaire; and we used SPSS 17.0 and SmartPLS 2.0 statistical software for data analysis. The results showed that post-confirmation of affect degree more affected continuance intention though perceived usefulness or familiarity or intimacy than satisfaction. In addition, perceived susceptibility and perceived seriousness and social affect would indirectly affect continuance intention through confirmation, and then perceived usefulness or familiarity or intimacy. And also belief indirectly affect continuance intention. The study concludes is likely to continue to use health information micro-blogging users of the perceived threat users or the network platform users are more familiar and intimate, as well as users thought health information that micro- blogging platforms give health-related information is useful.


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