  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 吳英隆


在網際網路雲端服務及電子化交易平台的蓬勃發展下,企業為能快速反應環境及市場變動,開始運用雲端技術結合供應鏈管理,透過上中下游供應鏈管理緊密整合,促成企業本身與體系間的產銷規劃有更緊密的連結與控制,以提升供應鏈夥伴的系統效率與效益,並維持企業長遠競爭優勢。 中小企業在導入雲端供應鏈管理系統涉及的層面,除了包括與供應商夥伴及客戶的協同合作模式調整,也包括內部組織結構面,甚至策略面的改變,可算是攸關組織生存發展的重大組織變革,加上雲端供應鏈技術尚在起步階段,充滿不確定性因素,因此會影響中小企業導入雲端供應鏈系統的意願。 本研究主要以台灣曾導入雲端供應鏈管理系統之中小企業進行個案研究,透過對中、高階管理者的實地訪談,經由逐字稿內容意義的萃取,以內容分析法歸納整理及彙整,針對中小企業導入此系統的內外在動機進行深入探討,發展出雲端供應鏈內部權力系統變遷、雲端供應鏈發展過程中內部生成的變遷力 量及環境的變遷等三類組織變革因素之觀點,深入瞭解中小企業對雲端供應鏈導入之內、外在動機及面臨之問題,並提出具體因應對策。 關鍵字:組織變革、雲端運算技術與供應鏈管理、中小企業


ABSTRACT Under the flourished developments of internet cloud services and electronic trading platforms, companies start to use cloud technology combined with supply chain management to quickly react to the changes in the market environment. This can promote closer links and control between enterprise and its supply system for their production and marketing plan through tight integration of the supply chain management, and improve system efficiency and effectiveness of supply chain partners and maintain their long-term competitive advantages. The dimensions as SMEs adoting cloud supply chain management system include not only the the adjustment of the collaborative model of suppliers and customers, but also the internal organizational structure and strategy changes. It can be regarded as a major organizational change relevant to survival and development. Besides, because the cloud supply chain technology is still in its infancy and is full of uncertainties, thus will affect SMEs to adopt the cloud supply chain system. This research uses case study to study Taiwan SMEs which have imported the cloud supply chain management system. We interview medium and high-level managers, and analyze interview content to find the internal and external motivations of SMEs as adopting this kind of system. We develop three types of organizational change factors: internal powerf system change of cloud SCM, internally generated change forces in the process of cloud supply chain development, and changes in the environment. We not only explore into the internal and external motivations and issues of SMEs facing cloud SCM, but also propose specific strategies. Keywords: organizational change, cloud computing, cloud supply chain management, SMEs.


Cloud SCM


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39. 顧忠平(民94),員工之組織變革認知與其組織承諾關聯性之研究-以國防部軍政體系幕僚機構為例,中原大學企業管理研究所碩士論文。
2. 王平、林文暉、郭溥村、王子夏、盧永翔(民99),雲端運算服務之資安風險與挑戰,資訊安全通訊,第16卷第4期,頁45-65。
3. 朱慧雯(民97),空軍後勤人員對組織變革認知與組織承諾之研究,國立臺東大學區域政策與發展研究所碩士論文。
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