  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 盧映潔


本論文所探討之主題為過剩醫療行為,每個人都會因為健康因素而有醫療需求,因此醫療行為與每個人息息相關。現今科技日新月異,帶動了醫學進步,醫療行為也因此而更為多元。在醫師所建議或病人所期望的醫療行為中,是否皆為病人所需?那些醫療行為並無醫療上之必要?既無醫療上之必要,為何醫病雙方或單方卻認為有需要?何謂過剩醫療行為?過與不及如何認定?其發生原因為何?過剩醫療行為對醫病雙方之影響如何?醫師施行過剩醫療行為是否會有法律責任?其法律效果如何?皆為本論文探討之內容。 首先提出過剩醫療行為之概念,並依據醫療行為之療效將其類型化,同時論述醫師說明義務在過剩醫療行為之適用,最後探討過剩醫療行為之行政與刑事責任。 除非是極端悖離醫學常理的過剩醫療行為,其實並不容易成立法律責任,或者其法律責任與一般醫療行為之法律責任相去不遠。本論文也不認為能夠建立起一個絕對清楚的標準來判定醫療行為是否過剩或非必要,畢竟標準不停地在變動。要能夠真正維護病人安全,還是需要醫師本於其道德良知,處處為病患著想,才是不變的真理。


The main purpose of this thesis is to discuss the conditions of superfluous medical behaviors. Since one’s health is bound for some sorts of problems in a life time, seeking for medical assistance is a highly relevant issue for everyone. With recent advances in medical technologies, the progress in medicine is also evident, prompting more diversified medical practices. But the medical procedures or treatment protocols recommended by doctors or anticipated by patients really good and essential for patients? If there is no medical necessity in providing and requiring certain procedures or treatments, why would doctors and/or patients demanding or asking for them? What is the so-called “Superfluous Medical Behaviors”? How do you define over-done or under-done medical behaviors? What are the underlying causes for practicing these behaviors? And what are the possible effects on doctors and patients alike? Is there any legal liability with superfluous medical practices? All the aforementioned issues will be discussed in this thesis. The first part of the thesis stated the concept and definition of the so-called “Superfluous Medical Behaviors.” Then I categorized these behaviors based on their medical effects. The applicability of physicians’ duty of disclosure in superfluous medical behaviors was discussed. Finally, the administrative and criminal liabilities of the superfluous medical behaviors were probed and discussed in full. With completion of the thesis, I strongly believed that superfluous medical behaviors tend to have less or similar legal liabilities as compared to those of routine medical behaviors, unless they are extremely strayed from medical knowledge. Since medicine is an ever-changing and progressing discipline, standard operating procedures or guidelines can hardly be established to delineate the superfluousness of any medical behavior. In order to genuinely maintain and promote health of any patient, the never-changing truth is to treat them with conscience and thoughtfulness!




